Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Many people seeking a positive health and fitness change are very confused about the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates Whats worse is advice from some so-called weight loss "experts" who tell people to that the only way you can shed the weight is to cut out all carbs (Atkins Diet). This advice is too general and does not get down to the specifics of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates, along with protein and fats, are one of three macronutrients that are vidal for good health and nutrition. They provide our bodys with most of our energy needed for daliy activies, like excerise, and normal bodily functions, like heartbeats.

Based on their chemical structure, Carbohydrates are classified as either complex or simple. A fat reducing review can help you build a clear summarize of what you require to focus on to achieve your fat burning purpose if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more boost phase of their losing weight strategy. Applying are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss applications have misled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by causing a person's body to burn more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. The main difference between the two are :

Simple Carbs - Carbs that are broken down and digested quickly. Most contain refined sugars and very few vitamins and minerals. Fruit juice, yogurt, honey, and soda pop are all examples of a simple carb.

Complex Carbs - Carbs that take much longer to digest and contain a lot a fiber, vitamins, and minerals. All green vegatables, whole grain foods, and oatmeal are examples of a complex carbs.

When you want to lose weight, you need to cut out ALL simple carbs. Of course it is okay to have a "treat", that is, having a cup of ice cream every once in a while, but if you are serious about getting fit and staying fit, you will cut out all of the simple carbs. When you consume these carbs the sugars are quickly released into your blood stream, which will likely cause you to feel a rush of energy. This causes an increased production of insulin that fights off the sugars which results in less blood sugar then you had prior to the comsumption of the carbs. The end result is a feeling of need, the need to comsume more and more. Abusing these simple carbs can result in diabetes later in life.

Complex Carbs are your body's most preferred source of energy. These carbs digest slowly which keeps you fuller for longer. The body will most most efficently when you comsume complex carbs because when digested they are broken down into glucose molecules that are used to fuel your body or stored into your muscles and liver as glycogen. When your body is at full efficiency it allows you to have the energy to workout and lose weight. Complex carbs are broken down into two types:

Fiberous Carbs - these are your green veggies, mushrooms, onions, and califlower

Starchy Carbs - these are your whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal.

So to wrap up, in order to lose weight you need energy which allows you to run on the treadmill or elliptical. When you comsume simple carbs you get a quick rush of energy, followed by a crash and the need for more sugar. Complex carbs will keep your energy level at its peak level and will allow you to go to the gym, get that fat off, and lead a much healthier life.

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    Sep 24, 2009 There are two different kinds of carbohydrates - simple and complex. If you have type 2 diabetes, you know that carbohydrates matter. Although ...

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