Youve tried numerous times to lose weight. You start a new, healthy lifestyle and everything is going great, then bam! You make a stupid move that sends you further from your weight loss goal instead of closer to it. Is it an unintentional slip-up or could you be sabotaging your own weight loss success?
If you want to lose weight more than anything, its tough to imagine that you would stop yourself from reaching your goal, but it happens. Maybe not consciously, but it happens none-the-less. What you have to ask yourself is what purpose overeating is serving you.
Human beings, by nature, do things that benefit them. For instance, if youre given the option to work overtime, you make the decision to either accept or decline based on what needs you want to meet. A fat loss overview can help you construct a clear describe of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reducing target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more improve phase of their weight loss program. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as methods for your special weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss plans have misled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by resulting in a person's body to burn more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. If you want extra income, you take the hours. If you need family time, you pass on the offer. The same process applies to overeating, although the decision may be more subconscious.
What do you benefit by being overweight?
Despite the belief that being overweight is bad, there are some perceived benefits. For example, if you feel awkward in dating type situations or dont want to be the target of sexual advances, you may choose to carry excess weight to limit those incidents. Or, if you have a hard time standing up for yourself, you may turn to food as a comfort instead of saying whats on your mind and risking offending someone you love and care about.
Its positives like these that make losing weight so hard and causes some people to sabotage their own success. If you cant hide behind a bag of chips or your excess weight, that means you have to tackle your issues head on. This creates a lot of anxiety and stress, which are two of the biggest emotions that drive people to eat in the first place!
How do you figure out if you are sabotaging your own weight loss efforts?
Next time you are about to eat when you arent physically hungry, stop yourself before reaching into the cookie jar and ask yourself what youre feeling right then. What emotion or situation led you to the chocolate stash or unopened bag of greasy chips? What benefit would you receive by eating right at that exact moment?
Once youve identified the result that you are seeking by eating, ask yourself if there is any way to get it other than eating. For instance, if youre craving a cheeseburger because you were just asked to attend a social event that makes you anxious, can you just decline attending? Or, if youre opening the licorice bag because you crave attention from your spouse but arent getting it, would you be willing to open the line of communication with them later that night and tell them that youd like more time alone together?
Remember that eating can satisfy nothing other than physical hunger, just as being tired can only be satisfied by sleep and thirst can only be quenched by drinking. If youre eating due to emotional reasons, you will never be satisfied. You cant be. Its impossible.
But, if youre willing to quit using food as a solution to a problem it cant fix, then youre ready to finally kick your self-sabotaging behaviors. The result is lost weight and gained self-respect and confidence. Hows that for a trade-off?
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