Want a sneak peek of "The Biggest Loser" season 14? We've got it with an exclusive interview on Oct. 18 from the show's nu...
Join Dr. Oz and the Medicine Hunter in feasting on the garden of youth diet
How about dining on dandelions? Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham claims that these weedy wonders rank high in his garden of youth anti-aging mir...
Biggest Loser season 14 winner Danni Allen: Why mess with success? (Photos)
Danni Allen amazed viewers Monday night with her weight-loss transformation on the season 14 finale of The Biggest Loser, and she doesn'...
A place to workout downtown
If you work in downtown Enid and are looking for a place to workout, you're in luck. Though it may not seem like there is anywhere to w...
Loving her low-carb life, Sharon Osbourne shows off 28-pound weight loss
After losing 28 pounds on the Atkins diet, Sharon Osbourne looks and feels fabulous. And she wants to keep shedding pounds, reported the Huf...
Vegan Russell Brand hyped on natural high from all-night yoga sessions and tofu
Who needs drugs when you can get in the Zen zone from yoga and a vegan diet? Ten years after successfully completing his rehab treatments, R...
Supermodel Miranda Kerr unveils her passion for physical perfection
"I like to work my body out and keep it in good condition," Victoria's Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr shared with Vogue UK rec...
7 Ways to Wow Your Sweetie That Dont Involve Sugar
If you're running late to a date with your spouse, partner, or boyfriend/girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and a box of drug store choc...
FDA allows carbon monoxide as preservative in US food supply
Healthy eating is a loosely defined trend in itself these days. A fat loss overview can help you build a clear summarize of what you need to...
Rachel Beller, RD, shakes up your weight loss in 'Eat to Lose, Eat to Win'
Featured in season 13 of "The Biggest Loser," registered dietitian Rachel Beller is back with a new guide to upgrade your diet to ...