Monday, July 7, 2014

If you're running late to a date with your spouse, partner, or boyfriend/girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and a box of drug store chocolate is the only way avoid showing up empty-handed, well, a person's gotta do what a person's gotta do.

However, with a little planning it is possible to bring home something that says, "I love you" on cupid's special day that doesn't involve sugary, waistline busting candy.

Here are 7 suggestions to help make sure that you both want to leave the lights on this year:

  1. A sweet card, tucked someplace where it's certain to be found, like her underwear drawer. This year, get a card that's blank inside and write something yourself.
  2. Something naughty. This won't work for everyone. But the rest of you know who you are. Now get to work!
  3. Jewelry. Always a winner. Guys, if you're not confident, get one of her girlfriends to offer some advice.
  4. Tickets to a game. Sports-minded couples will dig a night at Verizon or watching their alma mater play ball.
  5. Make a photo collage of the two of you. A fat loss overview can help you produce a clear outline of what you require to focus on to accomplish your fat burning objective if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more advance step of their losing weight plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your personal weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to reduce more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. You can do this with real photos or cut and paste from your computer.
  6. A donation to his/her favorite charity.
  7. If they love music, create a playlist just for them. They can listen to it anytime they want and think of you.


About The Body You Want:

Launched by fitness expert Josef Brandenburg in June 2004, The Body You Want is a co-ed personal training fitness program which specializes in the areas of weight loss & body transformations for busy people - "We help you get the body you want in the time you actually have, hunger not required". Program details and client testimonials are available at Brandenburg, a certified fitness expert with 15 years experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 202-615-322

About Josef Brandenburg, Fitness Expert:
Brandenburg is a certified fitness expert (ACE, NASM, NCEP, CHEK, FMS and FMS II) with 15 years of experience in the fitness industry. Brandenburg can be reached at or 202-615-3220 and is available for media interviews on topics related to health, wellness and fitness.

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