Who's got time to diet and exercise? You do, with the combined weight loss wisdom of Dr. Mehmet Oz and fitness powerhouse Tony Horton. Famed for his P90X exercise plan that has shaped the bodies of stars and politicians (Michelle Obama's a fan!), Tony visited Dr. A fat reduction overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you require to focus on to accomplish your fat burning objective if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more improve level of their weightloss strategy. Applying are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by causing a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Oz's talk show on Nov. 13 to unveil his 10-minute daily workout and three-step diet plan.
Blaming the dryer because your skinny jeans are too tight? Even if they've shrunk, Tony's three-step program can have you slipping into them smoothly:
- Your new weight loss mantra: 90-10. Translation: Eat healthy food 90 percent of the time, focusing on foods with no additives or chemicals, such as veggies, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Reward: Cheat 10 percent of the time, using snack time as your cheat selection.
- Choose foods with only one ingredient. So if that can of tuna reads "tuna, water, preservatives, salt, food dye," put it back on the shelf.
- Re-shake to reshape! One meal each day, enjoy Tony's meal replacement shake, using the recipe below.
Ingredients for Tony's Power Shake
- Banana
- Frozen berries
- Protein powder
- Almond milk
- Cashews
- Water or coconut water
Directions: Blend with ice.
Now that you're powered up with Tony's power shake, it's time to get fit fast. You can view Tony's 10-minute workout here, or invest in your health with the "10 Minute Trainer: Tony Horton's Workout for the Busiest People Fitness DVD Program."
Dr. Oz: Reshape your body, blast fat with Tony Horton's quick diet ...
www.examiner.com/article/dr-oz-reshape-your-body-blast-fat-with...Nov 13, 2012 Dr. Oz: Reshape your body, blast fat with Tony Horton's quick diet and workout (Photos)
The Dr. Oz Show Episode Guide 2012 Season 3 - 5 Fat Busters,
www.tvguide.com/tvshows/the-dr-oz-show-2012/episode-94-season-3/5...The Dr. Oz Show 2012 Season 3 Episode Guide of Episode 94: 5 Fat Busters, 5 Body Types, 5 Days - TVGuide.com
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www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/10_minute_trainerThe 10-Minute Trainer Workout is for people who are short on time. Tony Horton's breakthrough Super Stacking Technique is like multitasking for your muscles. Give ...
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