Famed for her bodacious booty and audacious advertising tactics (which landed her in a QuickTrim lawsuit), Kim Kardashian has ventured behind bars for her latest claim to fame: a role in Lifetime's "Drop Dead Diva." Looking perky in prison orange, Kim need not worry about remaining in jail (although her sisters may wish that she could linger there so that they could grab back their share of photo opportunities): her role only calls for her to pout in prison for one episode, according to People magazine's article yesterday.
"This series is all about reinvention," declared creator and executive producer Josh Berman, reported the Huffington Post today. He complimented the crafty Kim on "her smarts, sense of humor and passion." Although Kim has not displayed her sense of humor yet to her adoring public, she's made a career from using her brain to boost her butt. A fat reducing overview can help you produce a clear describe of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat loss goal if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more advance level of their weight-loss plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss plans have fooled people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by causing a person's body to reduce more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. As celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak commented to People magazine recently, "Tush, rump, derrire no matter what you call it, there's no denying that an incredible backside has launched many Hollywood careers." When it comes to Kim's toned ritzy rump, Harley describes it as "fuller" and "more prominent" than your typical tush. And she works hard for that cash-rich rump, combining diligent dieting with focused fitness.
When it comes to diet, Kim has joined Miley Cyrus on the gluten-free bandwagon, tweeting "Gluten free is the way to be" in May. Although she's had a few slips into gluten glutton mode, Kim stuck to that plan and combined it with a dairy-free and sugar-free approach last month to shed 10 pounds in 10 days, reported Us Weekly. As for fitness, Kim relies on celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, who said, "Seeing Kim Kardashian continue to improve on perfection is wild." And that sums up Kim's key claim to fame: the perfect posterior.
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