If you have not yet read Parts I, II, and III (the links are at the end of this review), then do so before you read this last segment of the review of SALT SUGAR FAT. Are there any decent corporate types out there willing to stand up to the underhanded tactics the industry is using daily to lure you in, just like a drug dealer would? Yes, there are, but you cant fight a war with a handful of soldiers, and you cant fight a war with untrained and educated soldiers, either.
One such moral and ethical former president of Coca-Cola North America was Jeffrey Dunn. He left the company after years of trying and failing to instill just some basic health consciousness at Coca-Cola. None of the reasons, says Dunn, given by any corporation, is indefensible in the context of surging obesity rates. A fat reducing review can help you produce a clear outline of what you require to focus on to complete your fat loss objective if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an intermediate or more enhance stage of their weightloss plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your special weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss plans have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by causing a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Interestingly enough, on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, the CBS Morning news show featured the current CEO of Coca Cola, telling how the company is going to help the fight against obesity by pursuing a global plan. His ideaput the number of calories on the front of the can or bottle so that people are more aware. Really?
Dunn put it right many years back, when he put the problem of obesity in the context of war: To me, that is like damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. If they choose that path, they have to be accountable for the social costs of what they are doing. Good luck with that onein todays society, no one is accountable for anything they do, and the courts, the government, and even the churches, have made that so. Bring back the 1950s, please, when you were required to be responsible and held accountable for all your actions.
Good scientists have left the food processing companies. More than thirty years have passed since these smart people first brought the problems of too much salt, sugar, and fat and their relationship to societys health to the CEOs attention. But, sadly, those scientists either left on their own or were fired. They wanted to research ways to solve problems and were told, no. One scientist even said, I feel sorry for the public.
Moss devotes 118 pages to sugar, 91 to fat, and 35 to salt. But make no bones about, every single word will hold your attention and shock you.
What can you do?
1. READ THIS 449-page BOOK, cover to cover NOW.
2. Read nutrition labels with an eye toward reading between the lines, too, when a product is labeled organic, low fat, low sugar, low saltor, frankly, when any of those words are mentioned in the marketing or on the label.
3. Decide just how soon you want to die. That may sound rather negative, but it sure hits the point. And do you want to be riding around in a scooter because of obesity? Or become blind or lose a foot because of diabetes? You can research any number of articles about the results of obesity, and none of them is pretty. The outcome is always the same: you die too soon.
4. Redefine what you consider convenience. Yes, we are all concerned with it in this busy, go-go-go age we live in. But are the trade-offs all that bad? Can you not take off half an afternoon to prepare meals for the entire week? What about automating your breakfast and lunch meals?
Can Mosss book bring awareness to this severe problem? I am afraid that the answer is, only if you read the book, my friends. We already know that corporate America is ignoring the problem, as is Congress. The only way to bring awareness is where it will hurtstop buying the products that are loaded with salt, sugar, and fat. And get rid of the attitude that you are only treating yourself. You are treating yourself, all right, to an early death! There needs to be a full blown war on the food processing industrythose nutrients, says Moss, are not really nutrients as much as they are weapons. The enemy is all those manufacturers of processed food who say they are only giving the public what they wantfast and convenient foods for those who are too busy to be in the kitchen. But did you ask for an early death and obesity?
This book is available in the Albuquerque library system, and is likely in yours, too, as well as on Amazon.
If you want to make sure you do not miss out on my other articles related to your health and weight loss, just click on the link above to subscribe, and you will receive an email notifying you of the next article. You just have to provide your email address, which is kept private (not even I know who subscribes).
LINKS TO PARTS I, II, and III of this book review: Part I, Part II, Part III
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