A couple days ago another famous actor died from what appears to be a heart attack. While we as the reader may never learn about what were the factors that caused this actors heart attack, it important to note what the medically community does know about heart ailments. Heart attacks and specifically heart disease is number one killer of both men and women. Heart attacks can occur without warning and can be fatal. Also studies have shown that diets high in fats and cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. A fat loss overview can help you construct a clear describe of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reduction target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more advance level of their losing weight plan. Applying are seven steps that can serve as methods for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by resulting in a person's body to eliminate more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Finally a family history of heart disease can predispose individuals to a high chance of having a heart ailment which will be the focus of this article.
The writer has mentioned in a previous article that his two uncles died of heart disease at young ages. What the writer knew about his uncles is this, they both were overweight and they didnt take care of their health. The writer did see them exercise once in a while, through dancing but often times they didnt eat a proper diet, and they may have drank too much alcohol. The writer was also told that they didnt go to the doctor that often or hardly at all. Also both my uncles ignored appeared to ignored health symptoms. The bottom line is this; both my uncles could still be alive today if they took care of their health. Furthermore, an important thing to keep in mind about the heart and most people should know this, if you take care of this organ, it will take care of you. Everyone should be aware that taking care of the heart means, getting plenty of exercise, eating less fat and calories and seeing the doctor for at least yearly checkups. Finally, if you know that you have a family history of heart disease; medical studies have shown that you may be a more risk to develop a heart ailment. There is not a week that goes by the writer does not think about his uncles that passed away so soon, because they may have lived a longer life had they taken better care of themselves. It was a personal event for the writer when his uncles died because both times he had to tell his mom about their demise. We as a society need to take better care of ourselves, because sadly we are all at risk for heart disease by the very fact that we have access to too many fattening foods and we choose to ignore health symptoms especially men like the writer. We need to do more to protect our health or face more sad stories like the actors family and the writer has experienced. For more information, plus consult the link below or consult the writer through the his website, http://www.dadsonpowermode.com/
http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Moreke /MyHeartandStrokeNews/Family-History-and-Heart-Disease-Stroke_UCM_442849_Article.jsp
The Heart Disease and Cardiology Home Page
heartdisease.about.comThe starting place for exploring information on heart disease and cardiology.
CDC - Heart Disease Home - DHDSP
www.cdc.gov/heartdiseaseIn the United States, the most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to heart attack. You can greatly reduce your risk for CAD ...
WebMD Heart Disease Health Center Information About Heart Disease
www.webmd.com WebMD Home Heart Health CenterLearn about heart disease symptoms, risk factors and prevention, as well as information on heart attack, heart failure, and heart health.
Cardiovascular disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiovascular_diseaseCardiovascular disease (also called heart disease) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins). Cardiovascular ...
NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Information for professionals and the general public about heart and vascular diseases, lung diseases, blood diseases and resources, and sleep disorders.
American Heart Association Building healthier lives, free of ...
www.heart.orgCPR Educator Careers Getting Healthy Sea Salt Vs. Table SaltLearn more about the American Heart Association's efforts to reduce death caused by heart disease and stroke. Also learn about cardiovascular conditions, ECC and CPR ...
Coronary artery disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronary_artery_diseaseCoronary artery disease (CAD ; also atherosclerotic heart disease) is the most common type of heart disease and cause of heart attacks. The disease is caused by ...
JAMA Network JAMA Internal Medicine A Systematic Review of
archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1108492Background Although a wealth of literature links dietary factors and coronary heart disease (CHD), the strength of the evidence supporting valid associations has ...
HEART DISEASE - The Pathology Guy
www.pathguy.com/lectures/heart.htmHEART DISEASE Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist scalpel_blade@yahoo.com No texting or chat messages, please. Ordinary e-mails are welcome.
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