Saturday, January 11, 2020

Summer's waning, schools back in session, and soon it'll be "flu" season again. It's time to do your semi-annual detox to prime yourself for the fall and winter. The key isn't in getting a flu vaccine, the key is outfitting your immune system with the proper and key nutrients and allowing your body to take over and do what it's best at doing: defending your temple.

Our bodies are BOMBARDED daily with an onslaught of toxins and chemicals, most of the time we don't give it a second thought. MOST of us sleep on synthetic mattresses and pillows doused in chemicals at the factory, we shower and bathe in chlorinated and fluoridated water and wash with soaps laden with toxic chemicals. All of most people's bodily care products for hair, skin and face....yup, all chemicals. We wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics, treated with more chemicals which we launder with soaps...even more chemicals... and at this point we've woken up, taken a shower and just got ready to start our day. In our homes, at work, in the car, breathing the outside air and with every building we enter we are barraged with a myriad of toxins everyday. If you're not doing something DAILY to detoxify yourself, the toxins build up like a residue and you end up with an illness, a disease or in the beginning just a cold or flu. So making sure your immune system has the tools it needs to do it's job is YOUR job. And your body is expecting and counting on YOU to follow thru.

Detox Diet: It's important to eat a wide array of wholesome organic foods, everyday. Your aim is to eat the rainbow. Literally. The more colorful your daily diet is, the more you're getting in anti-oxidant protection. Free Radicals are wreaking havoc on your cellular system at all times, so flooding your body regularly with anti-oxidants is key to scavenging them and keeping them at bay.

If you can handle a juice fast, I'd suggest that for 5-7 days. You'll need a quality juice extractor such as an Omega VRT, and lots of colorful organic vegetables and fruits. Choose from Kale, Dandelion Greens, Red Chard, Red Lettuce, Romaine, Moringa, Parsley, Cilantro, Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Raddish, Beets, Green Apple, Lemon, Ginger, WheatGrass, Celery, Tomato, Endives and Collard Greens. Juice the veggies in any combination, several times a day and drink spring water thru-out the day to flush your system. Look for books on juicing to get recipe ideas, or just use your imagination. After the fast, go back to eating a RawDiet for a few days and then transition back into a Paleo/Primal way of eating. Which is the healthiest and most natural way to live. Do some more research on Paleo eating if you're unfamiliar with it. CLICK HERE FOR A GREAT PALEO GEARED WEBSITE.

In addition, try adding a good Greens Powder such as Green Vibrance or VitaMineral Green by HealthForce. These are comprehensive formulas of organic greens and superfoods, some included in the list above as well as others far more potent including Spirulina, Chlorella, and Blue-Green Algae. These products are brimming in healthful nutrients and perfect for daily detoxification. Green Vibrance ALSO contains an ample amount of pro-biotics in each serving. Seeing as 2/3 of the immune system is located in your gut, taking care of it by giving it healthy bacteria in the form of pro-bitotics is CRUCIAL in maintaining good health. A fat reducing review can help you establish a clear outline of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reduction target if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more advance step of their weight-loss program. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as methods for your personal weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss courses have misled people into wondering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by producing a person's body to lose more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor.

Clay. For thousands of years humans have consumed clay to aid in the detoxification of the body and for use in treating both internal and external maladies.. In today's polluted world, I feel it is essential to consume clay daily in a powder form mixed with water or mixed with a smoothie or in liquid suspension. Clay's mechanism of action lies in it's properties of being full of negatively charged particulates which then bind to toxins in the body (which are positively charged), and then easily moves them through your digestive system for elimination. There are several types you can get, with the best on the market being ZeoForce Zeolites by HealthForce, which is a volcanic clay. Other edible clays include Bentonite and Montmorillonite, and are widely available under different brand names. Do your research into this wondrous substance, you'll be surprised at what you unearth.

Fresh Juices, Raw Vegetables and Fruits, SuperFoods and Greens, Clay and Probiotics all play a role in making sure your immune system is on target and ready for each day's attack by the toxic world around us. Help give it the upper hand and it'll give you good health the rest of your life!

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