Monday, January 14, 2019

I know I am not alone in having wrestled with a debilitating carbohydrate addiction. An addiction to sugary and starchy foods is epedemic in our society, as evidenced by the ever-increasing measurements of both our waistlines as well as the number of people who suffer from Type II Diabetes. I consider it among the most significant things I have ever done health-wise to finally get relief from this awful preoccupation and out-of-control behavior. What doors would open for you if you could make healthy choices naturally and consistently? How would looking better, feeling better, having more energy and losing weight change your life? My clients have told me the most amazing things in answer to this question. Below are actual comments I have heard from the people who come to me for health coaching:

  1. I could make more money and get a better-paying job. People would not only hire me to work in the back of the office.
  2. I could wear the beautiful clothes that hang in my closet.
  3. I could be intimate with my wife without shame.
  4. My kids would respect me and I could be a role model for them.
  5. I would have enough energy to play with my grandchildren.
  6. People would listen better when I am on stage and not be distracted by my size.
  7. I would be free.

This huge topic needs to be addressed in various segments because of its vastness. For this article, I am going to share one amazing secret that can really and truly change your life, your body, your health, and your waistline. It has to do with sugar. That white or brown powdery material that, according to researches at Princeton, is truly an addictive substance.

Here are five keys to overcoming a sugar habit.

  1. I have my favorite sugar-buster foods. These are foods that have no business having sugar in them. They taste better without sugar! Salad dressing, jams and jellies, fruit drinks, pasta (marinara) sauce, all nut butters, yogurt, crackers. You get the picture. This is the easiest place to start eliminating excess sugar in your meal and snack selections.
  2. Think of the following foods as poor quality fuel. It would be like putting maple syrup in your gas tank and expecting to drive from San Francisco to Chicago. Any foods made from processed flour: pancakes, donuts, cake, cookies, candy, bread, pasta, soda. The next time you see someone eating a big pile of pancakes at a restaurant, imagine that he or she is doing drugs in public. Foods like this are void of nutrition, containing "empty calories." Not only can you not sustain yourself on foods like this, but the more you eat them, the more you crave them. Know thyself! If you cannot refrain from just half a cookie, and you find yourself stuffing the whole bag into your mouth, you are being run by your addiction. You may have to go cold turkey until you stabilize your blood sugar and can take small amounts of these foods in moderation.
  3. Develop a taste for foods that have fewer flavorings and additives. Natural food tastes great. Today I served my husband for lunch a plate with two blobs of different flavors of humus, along with a big organic carrot, some organic celery sticks, some gently steamed organic broccoli, and a few strips of organic red pepper. He loved it! Learn to taste the flavors of "real food."
  4. Set limits. As a former binger of junk food, I made a decision to elimiate sweets from my diet throughout the day. We enjoy a little bit of dark chocolate almonds after dinner and that's it. A fat burning overview can help you produce a clear describe of what you require to focus on to carry out your fat reducing objective if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more enhance stage of their losing weight program. Following are seven steps that can serve as methods for your personal weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss applications have fooled people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by causing a person's body to reduce more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Discipline does not get enough of a high rating when it comes to food and snack choices. We all hear that diets don't work, and I believe that whole-heartedly. Let's hear it for being disciplined in our choices because, well... we are making better choices.
  5. Know what your most compelling reason is for choosing a healthier body and more healthful food. What is the most personal reason why having a body that serves you better inspires you to move toward that? And conversely, what is the biggest thing you want to avoid? The costs of spiraling medical bills? The horrific side-effects from diabetes and cardiovascular disease? Not making it past your 50's like your parents and grandparents?

Imagine yourself free and happy. Be open to getting healthier and healthier because you made a decision to be in charge. Living with self-control and joy rather than addiction is so worth it. Maybe your experience will be like mind. I found it much more satisfying to be live freely and energetically in my body than the temporary intoxiction I used to feel from indulging in my habit.

Rosie Bank is a Health Coach and an Independent Associate with USANA Health Sciences. Her specialty is in teaching busy professionals a five part system so that they can feel better, look better, have more energy, lose weight, and keep more of their money. Rosie teaches Nutrition for Life at the San Mateo Adult School, where she also teaches classes in Entreprenurialsim. Rosie leads a free teleclass entitled Feel Great Lose Weight once a month. For more information call 650-573-7177, email, or visit The next teleclass is on Friday, February 24 at 9 AM PST. Click here to register. The bridge line is (218) 339-2409 and the passcode is 323 2737

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