Celebrity columnist Rex Reed apparently missed the class in journalism school that involves the judicious use of adjectives. In his review of "Identity Thief," Rex described Melissa McCarthy as a "tractor-sized female hippo." Indignant fans flocked to slam Rex in return. However, he "apologizes for nothing," declared Rex, according to UPI on June 24.
Rex defends himself on the grounds that he feels Melissa is making a "disgusting attempt to pretend obesity is funny. A fat reducing review can help you construct a clear summarize of what you need to focus on to carry out your fat reduction purpose if you're a starter; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an advanced or more advance phase of their weight loss plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your special weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by causing a person's body to burn more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. It is not remotely humorous, and every obese comedian who ever made jokes about the disease are now dead from strokes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes." And he went further, declaring, "As a critic whose opinions are constitutionally protected by law, I stand by all of my original remarks about Melissa McCarthy's obesity, which I consider about as amusing as cancer, and apologize for nothing." Congratulations, Rex: You just qualified for the Rude Journalist of the Year award.
Taking the high road, Melissa asserted "that she "felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate." So here's our reality check: You go, girl! Melissa is a talented actress, and as a film critic, Rex's job is to analyze her acting skills, not her weight. Unless he decides to go to medical school and become a physician (in which case he is bound by the rules of confidentiality), making presumptions about how her weight impacts her health is an egregious use of his public platform. What do you think? Are you on Team Melissa (in which case click here to buy her DVD of "Identity Thief!") or Team Rex? Post your comments below.
Bridesmaids Director Paul Feig Slams Critic Who Called Melissa ...
movies.yahoo.com/...feig-slams-critic-called-melissa-201833631.htmlBridesmaids Director Paul Feig Slams Critic Who Called Melissa McCarthy 'Tractor-Sized,' 'Female Hippo' Access Hollywood Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:18 PM EST
Film critic calls Melissa McCarthy 'a female hippo' and 'tractor ...
social.entertainment.msn.com/blogs/pop-spy-blogpost.aspx?post=...Hey, did you know Rex Reed still reviews films? Us, either! But he does, and boy, the veteran critic for the New York Observer really didn't like the new Melissa ...
Rex Reed's Melissa McCarthy Weight Insult Slammed by Hollywood
www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/rex-reeds-melissa-mccarthy-weight...Feb 09, 2013 In his review, Reed calls McCarthy "tractor-sized," a "screeching, humongous creep" and a "female hippo." He characterizes the actress career,
Rex Reed Slams Melissa McCarthy's Weight in 'Identity' Thief
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www.celebitchy.com/280519/jenny_mccarthy_on_film_critic_rex_reed...I am not very fond of Jenny McCarthy and generally find her insufferable, but she made some statements recently that I can really get behind. As background, an ...
Rex Reed responds after calling Melissa McCarthy a hippo
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Melissa McCarthy, Weight, Identity Thief, Review, Rex Reed, Fat
www.crushable.com/2013/02/12/entertainment/melissa-mccarthy-weight...Melissa McCarthy was criticized for her weight in Identity Thief in a review by New York observer movie critic Rex Reed, whos giving excuses for fat jokes.
Rex Reed Says Melissa McCarthy Bases "Career On Being
blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/rex-reed-says-melissa-mccarthy...So, a couple of things happened over the weekend. A major snowstorm nailed the east coast of the country, "Identity Thief" opened to huge numbers making it the best R ...
Hollywood Slams Rex Reed For Attacking Melissa McCarthy's
movies.yahoo.com/news/...slams-rex-reed-attacking-melissa-mccarthys...The critic continues to become the critiqued as the New York Observers Rex Reed faces backlash over his review of Identity Thief, in which he mocks Melissa ...
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Bridesmaids Director Paul Feig Slams Critic Who Called Melissa ...
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Critic slammed for calling Melissa McCarthy 'hippo' and 'tractor ...
www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&...New York Observer longtime film critic Rex Reed is no fan of Melissa McCarthy or her latest movie - and that's putting it mildly. Reed wrote a scathing takedown of ...
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Bridesmaids Director Slams Critic Who Mocked Melissa McCarthy
omg.yahoo.com/news/...slams-critic-mocked-melissa-mccarthys-weight..."Bridesmaids" director Paul Feig has spoken out regarding film critic Rex Reed's scathing comments aimed at Melissa McCarthy's weight. Feig, who directed the
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