Monday, January 28, 2019

By making your health a priority for 2012 your friends can say happy new you. A fat burning overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you demand to focus on to carry out your fat reduction goal if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more advance level of their losing weight strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your own weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss applications have misled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by resulting in a person's body to lose more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Feel better, look better, have more energy, and lose weight in 2012. There has never been a better time to make taking care of yourself a priority. Imagine, this can be easier than you think. It does take energy and effort to maximine your body, change your shape and size, and lose weight. But what if it were easier? What if you knew and could put into practice five keys to optimal health and weight for 2012?

Key 1: You will need to move. Something, anything. You need to raise the metabolic rate at which your body burns calories through some kind of movement that warms you up and gets that fat to start to melt. Focus on what gives you pleasure and enjoyment. Move towards that walk with your dog, or that bike ride around your neighborhood, or that Zumba class with your neighbor. Do you do it because you have to? That might work for some, but it sure sounds like a lot of "shoulds" to me. How about if you encourage yourself do this a few times, and pay extra attention to how you feel? There is an excellent chance that you will surprise yourself by how good you feel. Then, the next time, you put on those sneakers or sweatpants because you want to experience that increased energy that comes from moving around in your body.

Key 2: Don't deny! Don't deprive! What do you want to create? The reason deprivation diets don't work is because, well, you are depriving yourself. That can't last, and after a while, you migh want to reward yourself because of all of the pain and suffering you have endured. Try this. Get out a piece of paper, find some quiet time and search your soul. What is the most compelling reason why you would want to be healthier, have more energy, feel better, and for some of you, to lose weight? Why is this so important to you? Get into the emotions of this. This might bring tears to your eyes, and if it does, know that you are on the right track. My clients have revealed incredibly personal things to me when we did this exercise together. Whatever that is, you move toward that with pro-health choices. Let's say your father and grandfather both died in their fifties, and you want to live to see your grandhchildren grow up, like what happened for someone I work with. It is for reasons like this that you make healhier choices. Being in touch with these thoughts and feelings is the opposite of denial and enables you to move toward your goal.

Key 3: Never, ever, ever, ever beat yourself up. It does not work. Love yourself and honor yourself toward a healthier you. If you get mad at yourself, if you speak judgementally to yourself, if you think harshly of yourself, you are more at risk to behave in ways that do not support your health and weight goals. The more you love yourself, the more likely you are to do things that nurture you and the easier it is to make choices that give you the gift of good health.

Key 4: Everything counts. Let's think of little things you can do that, when added up, can make a real difference in how healthy you can be. Parking your car as far away from your destination as possible. Walking after dinner. Declining dessert at the restaurant. Enjoying your coffee without any sugar. Drinking water instead of soda. Walking during your lunch break. Nothing fancy, right? When you make a habit, all of these gestures add up. Speaking of which, when you make a choice that is not so smart, it should not create a cascade effect of a downward spiral. In fact, when you go astray, that in itself can promt you to make up for it by doing something really good for yourself. Watch our for these behaviors!

Key 5: Food that is good for you makes you feel better. The next time you see someone eating a big pile of pancakes with a brown liquidy substance poured over it think to yourself, "That person is doing drugs in public!" Would you put sewage run-off instead of gas in your car? Would you shampoo your hair with rat poison? Of course not! Think before you pick your food choices. Actually pause and evaluate your choice to make sure you are honoring your body. Fast food may give you a fast response, but it will not last. Food that is good for you will give you more sustained energy. (For more on this subject, click here.) Fast food will cause you to be hungry faster because it contains less nutrition. Why do you think fast food is cheap? Here is an example: take two muffins. One is made with white flour and white sugar. The other is made from a variety of whole grains (oats, millet, barley), flax seeds, walnuts and pepitas, and is sweetened with apple sauce and fresh organic blueberries. The first contains little nutrient value. The second is like a meal. The first will leave you temporarily high but shortly thereafter incomplete and wanting something else. The second will leave you satisfied for longer, and will not cause a drop in your energy afterward..

Take good care of yourself. The world is a better place when you make your health a priority. If you would like to learn more, please join me at the San Mateo Adult School in January for a class entitled Nutrition for Life. Click here for class details and an online registration form. For more information, please visit Please use this link if you would like to know more about my monthly webinar entitled Feel Great Lose Weight.

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