Once 50-pound heavier Kelly Osbourne refers to herself as an FFP.
A what?
Former Fat Person.
In the May 2012 issue of Glamour, Kelly FFP Osbourne discusses along with her lack of a toenail (TMI) and a fondness of the Golden Girls (FYI) her weight loss.
Referring to times when neighborhood meanies would call her Kelly Smelly With the Big Belly Whose Dads on the Telly, she writes, . . . when youre an FFP, you will always see in yourself what people used to bully you for . . .
You are What You Abbreviate. Or Are You?
Sure, people should be proud of her success. But FFP? Ah, silly humans feeling the need to define just about everything in one hurried, blanket-statement acronym at a time. Its definitely a SDBAO (Self Definition by Acronym Overuse) world.
FFP attempts to explain who a person is now by first latching on to, and primarily focusing on, who they were then. Sure, past experiences shape current day selves, but IMHO, they should not define or be the only thing that defines people. They need to remember themselves as the whole that they are. A fat loss overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat loss target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more boost step of their losing weight program. Applying are seven steps that can serve as tips for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by causing a person's body to burn more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Fathers, veterans, concert-goers and pranksters. Chefs, survivors, rock climbers and students. Every single aspect of their being should be embraced; the more that makes them fully whole should never be forgotton.
Theres more to Kelly Osbourne than her weight loss. Shes a GGW (Golden Girl Watcher), for crying out loud! Shell probably forever be an HCS (Hair Color Switcher) and according to the article, she has zero tolerance for people with HSM (High School Mentality). And yes, she used to be heavier.
Your Story, To a T
Not only does the FFP declaration gloss over other facets of ones uniquely varied personality, it also tends to oversimplify and ultimately, diminish what is truly a very significant experience. Whether someone lost 10 pounds or 200, whether the weight gain was due to pregnancy or Pop Tart over-consumption, the excitement of the journey becomes buried when its told through a me in a nutshell abbreviation.
Stories weight loss or otherwise are filled with hundreds of emotions, dozens of inspiring realizations and difficult decisions, and way too many achievements to count . . . which is so much more than three little letters could ever convey.
So, heres to you.
Everything about you.
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supertutorials-blogger.blogspot.comSivaguru Sivasiththan I am a School Teacher. I am teaching Accounts, Commerce, Computer Science. I also take Yoga classes from 1996. Visit my Blog for more details
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