Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Blood Sugar Solution, by Dr. Mark Hyman (Little, Brown, $27.99)

What is "diabesity"? Mark Hyman, MD, author of UltraMetabolism, The UltraMind Solution, and now The Blood Sugar Solution, defines it as moving from balanced blood sugar toward insulin resistance and full-blown type 2 diabetes.

His latest book hopes to combat the rise of obesity and diabetes by rebalancing insulin and blood sugar levels through seven steps:

  1. Boost your nutrition
  2. Regulate your hormones
  3. Reduce inflammation
  4. Improve your digestion
  5. Maximize detoxification
  6. Enhance energy metabolism
  7. Soothe your mind

So, where does one start? Before you begin the book's six-week action plan, you prepare for that by making sure your kitchen is stocked with the right foods, setting a starting date for the program and preparing your body by cutting off the flow of sugar, stimulants and sedatives. Hyman also wants you to take measurements, to get a waist to height ratio, your BMI, waist size, blood pressure and your weight. A fat loss review can help you produce a clear outline of what you require to focus on to achieve your fat loss purpose if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more enhance stage of their weightloss plan. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as methods for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss courses have fooled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by causing a person's body to burn more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. He also strongly suggests getting a comprehensive blood test to make sure you don't actually have abnormal blood lipids and insulin levels.

Then you're ready to begin the action plan, which removes all sugars, flour products, processed foods, gluten and dairy, and if you're doing his advanced plan, all grains, starchy vegetables and fruit.

After the six weeks are up, he suggests reintroducing gluten and dairy to see how they affect your weight and how you feel. You may find that you feel better and lose weight easier without them.

What can you eat? There are 48 pages of recipes, which include dishes such as Quick Mexicana Chili With Quinoa, Grilled Polenta, White Bean Salad, and Lentil and Chicken Stew.

The book also suggests brain-soothing exercises, nutritional supplements and a chapter devoted to "fun, smart exercise."

  • Home Dr. Mark HymanDr. Mark Hyman

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