An eating disorder is an illness that causes serious disturbance to ones everyday diet. These frequently occur during the teen years or young adulthood, but can develop at any age - even in childhood. While disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder tend to be more common in women, men develop them too, as can anyone for any ethnicity or socioeconomic background. It is important that anyone presenting with signs or symptoms of an eating disorder be referred to a healthcare provider as soon as possible to prevent serious, life-threatening medical conditions and return the patient to a more healthy state.
The Academy for Eating Disorders has introduced an updated set of guidelines to help with the identification of those signs and symptoms related to eating disorders. Eating Disorders: Critical Points for Early Recognition and Medical Risk Management in the Care of Individuals with Eating Disorders is available for free at the associations website at While the document is primarily intended for use by primary care physicians who may not have had training in the identification of eating disorders, consumers may find some of the information helpful for raising awareness of the conditions and how to get their family members help if needed.
Too many patients with eating disorders dont get expert care until after a long period of illness, explains Mark Warren, M.D., medical director of the Cleveland Center for Eating Disorders. Better information in the hands of primary care physicians will be of huge value to those who suffer from eating disorders.
One very important fact brought forward in the AED guidelines is that weight alone is not the only clinical marker of an eating disorder. Individuals of any body size and shape may be medically undernourished and at risk for compromising body functions such as the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.
In general, families and physicians should watch for significant weight fluctuations, including both losses and gains. Children especially should be monitored for appropriate weight development as their growing bodies need the nutrients that a healthy diet provides. Also look for signs such as cold intolerance, weakness, fatigue or lethargy, hair loss, poor healing, dizziness, or syncope (fainting). Any serious signs of psychiatric distress should also be evaluated promptly.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is characterized by emaciation, a relentless pursuit of thinness, a distortion of body image, and an intense fear of gaining weight. Eating, food, and weight control become obsessions for people with AN. The average age of onset is 19 years old.
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa (BM) is characterized by recurrent and frequent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food and then feeling a lack of control over the eating. Because of this, the binging is usually followed by a type of behavior that compensates for the overconsumption, such as purging (vomiting, excessive use of laxatives), fasting, or excessive exercise. Unlike those with AN, patients with BN are typically within their ideal weight range, but they are still intensely unhappy with their body size and/or shape.
Binge-Eating Disorder
Binge-eating disorder has the same initial characteristics as bulimia, with recurrent episodes of overconsumption of calories, but without the purging or compensation factor afterward. As a result, those with BED tend to be overweight or obese. They also experience guilt and shape over their loss of control with eating. This type of disorder tends to affect older adults, with an average age of onset at 25 years old.
Our hope is that professionals, patients, and families will access this material to ensure that care is prompt, safe and supported by evidence, and that each person with an eating disorder has the opportunity for a full recovery and a productive life, says Ovidio Bermudez, M.D., medical director of adolescent services at Eating Recovery Center in Denver, Colorado.
Remember that patients with eating disorders may not recognize that they are ill. They may minimize, rationalize, or hide ED symptoms and behaviors. Caring support is necessary so the patients know that there is help available to them. In North Carolina, there is an Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center online at A fat burning overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you demand to focus on to carry out your fat reduction target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more advance step of their losing weight program. Applying are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss plans have misled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by causing a person's body to eliminate more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. The site lists treatment options in several large NC cities including Charlotte, Davidson, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and Asheville.
One well-respected national treatment program that has a location in the Charlotte area is The Renfrew Center of North Carolina, located at 6633 Fairview Road. The Renfrew Center is the countrys first residential eating disorder and womens mental healthcare treatment facility. The expert healthcare providers offer a comprehensive approach to combating the mental health issues that accompany EDs and most insurance policies are accepted.
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Academy for Eating Disorders - Deerfield, IL - Organization for Eating Disorders, Deerfield, IL. 2,475 likes 153 talking about this.
Anorexia nervosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction and irrational fear of gaining weight, as well as a distorted body self-perception.
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National Guideline Clearinghouse Practice guideline for the ... guideline for the treatment of patients with eating disorders.
Children and Adolescents With Eating Disorders: The State of the S. Rome, MD, MPH, FAAP , Seth Ammerman, MD , David S. Rosen, MD, MPH , Richard J. Keller, MD
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