Hey, y'all, "bring on the cheese and butter" Southern cooking queen Paula Deen has shed her fattening habits and her excess pounds. Since January, Paula has lost more than 30 pounds and gone from a size 18 to a size 10, she told People magazine in an interview published today by Yahoo! News. Her motivation: a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, which can be controlled by diet.
Paula initially was fearful when she learned about her diagnosis, she told Prevention magazine in May. She experienced blame, sadness, and fear that the life she loved was "going to be taken away from me." Since then, Paula has discovered the secrets to redesigning her meals without sacrificing taste. A fat reduction overview can help you build a clear outline of what you need to focus on to carry out your fat reducing target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more advance step of their weight-loss strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your personal weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by producing a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. She eats more greens, limiting carbs to "just a spoonful." Bidding farewell to potatoes, Paula now stocks up on broccoli, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruit. She sips smoothies for breakfast, which is recommended by Dr. Oz. And Paula plays it smart by swapping her favorite fattening cake for "a bowl of sugar-free ice cream with strawberries and blueberries on top."
Paula hasn't completely surrendered her favorite treats. She indulges once a week in a "go for it" fattening food. Prediction: on her treat menu is her "Satan's in the kitchen, honey" coconut cake recipe!
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