Whats wrong with a candy bar, bag of chips, or other popular late-night snack? Actually, theres nothing wrong with an occasional tasty but unhealthy snack to satisfy a craving; after all, no ones perfect. However, the real challenges are not to go overboard or make a habit of unhealthy snacking.
While many health organizations acknowledge the benefits of snacking, they also urge caution against making poor nutritional choices and overeating. The American Heart Association and American Cancer Society, for example, are among the many leading organizations promoting healthy snacking done in moderation.
Although it can be beneficial to simply avoid late-night snacking altogether, this isnt always possible. Some individuals have to work late into the night or simply prefer to stay up late, and they may choose to enjoy various snacks, many of which may not contribute to health or weight control. Others may awaken during the night and head for the kitchen to satisfy cravings before returning to bed.
For these challenging times, it may be beneficial to make some changes and develop healthy snack options. Here are some tips that can help:
Change the bedtime routine.
Obviously, the individual who is fast asleep late at night and remains in bed overnight will not be tempted by fattening snacks, potential cravings, or overeating during that time. Getting to bed early enough, whenever possible, falling asleep as soon as possible thereafter, and experiencing a restful sleep are definitely the most effective strategies against late-night snacking. Additionally, taking time to unwind from daily stresses before getting into bed is a proven strategy for falling asleep faster and can be done in a number of ways, including listening to soothing music or engaging in some other relaxing activity, and avoiding intense physical activity or concerning thoughts and worries before getting into bed.
Change the timing and content of the last meal.
Routinely eating the last meal of the day at 5:00 p.m., for example, and going to bed after 11:00 p.m. may leave an individual feeling hungry and increase the desire for a late-night snack. One option, if not able to get to bed earlier, is to eat the last meal later in the evening. Another option is to save part of the last meal or dessert to eat later. Additionally, avoiding beverages and foods that contain caffeine or other stimulants during the evening help maintain calmness and balance within the body and can help discourage potential cravings later.
Try drinking water before you do any late-night snacking.
Since thirst is often mistaken for hunger and dehydration is one of the primary reasons for hunger and cravings late at night, it makes sense to try drinking some water before reaching for that late-night snack. In cases whereby an individuals gets up from bed during the night and heads for the refrigerator, stopping to drink some water may provide just enough time to satisfy the body and allow the person to return to bed.
Choose healthy snacks.
Some healthy snacks to consider include: whole-grain sources such as cereals and crackers, protein-rich sources such as milk, yogurt, nuts and seeds, and fiber-rich sources such as fruits and vegetables. These foods will provide much more nutrition than a bag of chips, a candy bar, or other high calorie, highly processed food on the market today. Even by consuming only a single handful of almonds or walnuts, for example, an individual will obtain significantly more protein and antioxidants from this small quantity than he or she could ever hope to get from eating as much as an entire box or more of processed convenience snacks.
Keep late-night snack items accessible, appealing, and varied.
Having late-night snacks readily available when needed requires planning, appropriate shopping, and preparation. A fat reducing overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you demand to focus on to carry out your fat reducing goal if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more improve step of their weight loss plan. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your personal weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by causing a person's body to reduce more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Discovering that supplies are not there when desired, or that food items have not been cut up or otherwise prepared for when needed could result in choosing a much less healthy, but readily available late-night snack instead.
Making the snack appealing to taste will always be a priority. After all, if a food item does not taste good, chances are that no matter how healthy or wonderful it may be, an individual wont eat it. Finding ways to add great flavor to healthy foods can involve experimenting with new recipes and unfamiliar foods as well as exploring new herbs, spices, and related taste sensations.
Food items can also be combined for greater taste, appeal, and variety. A snack involving cheese and crackers can be combined with grapes for a tasty and different snack. Vegetables such as peppers, zucchini, carrots, and broccoli can be eaten with hummus, different varieties of whole-grain crackers, and different varieties of low-calorie and low-fat dips and salad dressings. Variety is important because it helps maintain interest; no matter how much a particular food item or snack is liked, it can get very boring if its always the same, time after time.
Late-night snacking can be challenging, adventurous, and fun. For the individual who makes a habit of choosing nutritious late-night snacks, the benefits can be healthy and long lasting.
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