Is there more to losing weight than simply minimizing portions, eating healthy and exercise? Why is it for some, it can be a constant struggle to lose their goal weight and keep it off. An underlying fear is the last thing we think of when it comes to overcoming the battle of the bulge. We all come from unique experiences so sometimes losing weight and getting in shape goes beyond the mere basics of a cookie cutter process. Although, many of us have the same fitness goals and desires, getting there is sometimes a tailored and unique cerebral road.
First and foremost we have to confront our challenges head on...full force... and stop ignoring them in spite of how difficult it may be. Not only do you owe it to yourself to try to live to your full potential in all areas of your life but YOUR HEALTH and FITNESS is the one mechanism and catalyst that can have profound affects on everything around you, how you relate to it and how it affects YOU and others. Your health and fitness is like a puzzle having many secret fantastic little weapons in your arsenal to help keep a healthy balance, so naturally understanding and confronting the emotional aspects and FEAR of your journey is another advantage you have in Taking Control.
Here's a few ways to identify unrecognized OR recognized emotional roadblocks and how to get past them.
Fear number 1: Unwanted or unaccustomed sexual attention
As you get slimmer, people look at you differently. Your peers may become jealous and more competitive; they may respond to you in a more sexual way. While the attention can feel good it can also make you feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Remember your health and fitness is more important than these fears. For some, losing weight can be incredibly painful because of sexual abuse in the past so being overweight can be a shell and help some feel invisible. That extra weight is sort of a protective seal. Also, if you're in a relationship the fear of making your partner feel uncomfortable or threatened can also have an impact on keeping the weight on. These are things to think about and see if they apply to you. Here are some things you can do:
- Hide your weight loss with loose fitting clothing or wear dull colors only until you start to feel more comfortable in your own skin. This can be a trivial detail that can help you get to the next level, reaching further goals. It is essential during this time to confront this emotional roadblock and allow yourself to accept the new body changes. Be proud of your health and fitness journey and desire to lose the weight.
- Taking a self defense class can empower you! You'll feel more physically confident and emotionally strong! Buy some boxing gear, throw on some gloves, punch and move your way to a mentally stronger YOU all while relieving some stress!
- Put aside hang ups and consider undergoing some psychotherapy. This can help with serious issues that can be a little more painful to deal with and seeking a professional in the field can help build trust and help you feel more comfortable with sexuality.
- If you feel your partner might feel threatened, talk openly about things and assuming his of her feelings are true, reassurance is always helpful.
Fear number 2: Losing friends or how your friends relate to you
Sure, losing weight has way more positive impacts, but losing weight and getting healthy can have a negative impact on relationships with other people. Particularly those with weight issues or those not on the same page as you.
- BE VOCAL, Do Not Be Afraid To Put Yourself First! Tell those around you what you need and don't be afraid to ask for support & help. You owe it to yourself. A fat burning review can help you produce a clear summarize of what you require to focus on to achieve your fat reducing goal if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an intermediate or more improve step of their weight loss plan. Applying are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your own weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss courses have misled people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by resulting in a person's body to lose more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Spend or cultivate time with people and friends that support you and understand your goals. Accept you may lose friends or people may be turned off by your new found attitude to get healthy. Remember, as long as youre fair, nice and reasonable... you do not have responsibility over how someone feels because you vocalize your health and fitness needs.
Fear number 3: Being considered selfish
- First of all, step away from the negative connotation of the word, selfish: sometimes selfish can be a good thing...ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health!
- Sure, getting healthy requires self focus, time and energy. Consciously making healthy choices more often than not - following an 80/20 rule; 80% of your choices good and 20% for some wiggle room. Also, planning, shopping and preparation can actually make you fear that others such as a spouse, kids, extended family, or friends will resent you for the time you're investing in yourself. I think woman may have a more difficult time with this because society tends to cultivate an attitude that women are the care-takers, thus leaving less time for their own personal growth and HEALTH. Get over this! You can't be consistently great if you're neglecting yourself or your health. If you don't focus on your health, soon your failing health will most certainly keep you from being fully there for those closest to you.
- Explicitly explain to your family and friends your health and fitness goals and WHY it's important to you. They will appreciate your honesty and for including them in the mix. Maybe even convey that your commitment to your health and fitness will have a positive impact on them.
- If you're lacking family support, seek outside support from friends, a personal trainer, doctor, co-workers or a dietician.
Fear Number 4: Greater expectations
- We so often blame weight or not being physically fit on troubles or challenges in our lives. There may be an underlying fear of bigger expectations once the pounds are shed. You may expect everything else in your life; personal, work, relationships and maybe even your finances to fall into place. Now, although being the healthiest you can be does award you freedom to have a beautiful balance in your life, it's not going to happen overnight. Don't have unrealistic expectations in other areas of your life once youre hitting your health and fitness goals. These other areas take some attention as well but taking control of your health will make it that much more easy to emotionally and mentally deal with other areas of your life.
- Avoiding self-evaluation - For some there may be a subconscious fear that getting healthy and losing weight will no longer give you the freedom or crutch to blame other challenges in your life for poor health or bad eating habits; hence, itll be time for you to face the music for years of bad lifestyle choices. You no longer have the freedom to blame other things in your life, and now you must face the fact that your abilities or behavior may be an integral part in your overall success.
- Half the battle is won if you realize and understand that your health and fitness is a journey filled with personal vulnerabilities and challenges. We all have inner weaknesses, but the key is training from the inside out and trying to lessen those weaknesses with our strengths as opposed to letting them persist.
- It's okay to understand and know your current abilities but don't let hanging on to the weight keep you from self personal growth.
- If others expect more from you because of your weight loss, that's on them. Your job is to continue to become the healthiest you can be while seeking and reaching out to your support group.
Sometimes pin-pointing your exact fears might be a bit challenging, but if you've made repeated attempts to lose weight, or achieve any personal health and fitness goal, with little or no success or leveled off, there may be some hidden fears. Start by asking yourself what your fears are and throw everything and anything out there. Don't dismiss anything even if it seems irrelevant. Allow yourself to take some time and dig deep, looking for past patterns. Keep a food log of everything you eat, and try to be detailed as possible. Are you noticing patterns of emotional eating or any triggers? Same thing goes for exercising. Is there any one trigger or feeling that is keeping you from consistently working out?
Lastly, just understand that your journey is a process with all the emotional and physical challenges that you'll encounter. The most important thing to do is stay focused and remember your goals. It's time to stop using emotional crutches from getting YOU healthy and fit and time to face them with full force, becoming more self aware and realizing the true power and control you have over YOU. Always keep your goals at the forefront as your driving force and if the stakes are big...than even better! Good luck and always BELIEVE!
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