During National Nutrition Month, local health organizations often offer programs to increase awareness of healthy eating habits. Teachers, scout leaders, parents, and volunteers may be on the lookout for new ideas to promote good nutrition during March and throughout the year. A fat burning review can help you establish a clear summarize of what you need to focus on to accomplish your fat burning target if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more enhance level of their weight-loss program. Applying are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your personal weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by resulting in a person's body to lose more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Where can an individual find quality information about healthy eating?
Of course, the best way to get the facts on nutrition is to consult a registered dietitian! Dietitians are the food and nutrition experts. Area hospitals, universities, and local public health departments are great places to start searching for dietitians for presentations or program suggestions.
The national organization for registered dietitians--the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is another resource for those searching for reliable information. One will find ideas for books, newsletters, and websites that discuss everything from food allergies to nutrition materials for the blind.
The internet is another source for healthy eating ideas, although one must carefully review the sites for quality information. Government and university sites are generally reliable sources. Listed below are just a few of many places to look for posters, handouts, and ideas for classroom and home activities or for group presentations.
North Dakota State University Extension Service has resources for MyPlate for all ages, and childrens book suggestions for eating, health and physical activity.
The USDA in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education provides lesson plans, downloadable resources, and useful links to health sites.
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service has a special page devoted to educators with education resources for preschool and K 12, and another page just for parents.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides downloadable resources to teach children about the food label.
Registered Dietitians in Ontario, Canada have created an interesting site with various learning activities. Try the nutrition quiz!
More educational resources for kids, including games, crossword puzzles, and recipes, are available from Connie Liakos Evers, RD., who hosts a site with links to handouts, books, and health-related activities for children.
Educators at Nourish Interactive offer colorful and fun English and Spanish resources for both teachers and parents.
And last, but not least, be sure to view the scoop popcorn! Popcorn is, after all, a whole grain and a nutritious snack.
Learn something new today!
(Here is the answer to the question on the previous post, from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Initiated in 1973 as a week-long event, National Nutrition Week became a month-long observance in 1980 in response to a growing public interest in nutrition.)
Photo Credit: Simon Howden/www.freedigitalphotos.net
The articles written by Andrea Wenger, Birmingham Diets Examiner, are for informational purposes only and are not to be used in the place of medical advice. Please contact a licensed physician or other medical professional before changing any health care routine or before starting any diet, fitness, or exercise program. Although every effort has been made to include the most current information, new information is released daily and may cause some recommendations to change.
About.com Nutrition
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Home Nutrition.gov
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