Does being "in shape" make you fit to give fitness advice?
If someone has a friend who is in good shape, who is willing to give them exercise advice, why is it still a good idea to hire a personal trainer?
Often, very fit people are individuals who have added workouts as part of their lifestyle (long-term). This is usually a very good thing. However, what often occurs is that fit people develop beliefs in relation to which exercises are "good" exercises or "bad" exercises, which ones "work" or "do not work" etc... If this advice is being passed on to a healthy and fit individual that is not prone to injury and if the new exerciser takes caution to properly progress their training program, then in most cases the recommended exercises will be useful (minimally, it will not be detrimental) for that individual.
Your friends can only teach you what worked for THEM!
More often than not though, the avid exerciser simply passes on "rules" that they have memorized that have served THEM in reaching their goals. A fat loss overview can help you build a clear outline of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat loss target if you're a starter; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more advance phase of their weightloss program. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your own weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by causing a person's body to reduce more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor.
Caution! Many people achieve high levels of fitness not because of what they do, but in spite of it.
Often, a new exerciser will need to hire a Professional Trainer to properly assess their goals, needs and skill level and design a variable and progressive program that will keep this individual engaged, injury free and progressing toward their goal. Each person has lifestlye needs that differ and physiological needs that need uncovereing. These challenges should be considered when designing the appropriate program for them.
Simply put, there is no substitution for the assessment and coaching a trainer can give to an individual. Because someone is fit in NO WAY qualifies them to create a fitness program for you. That is akin to someone with nice teeth becoming your Dentist... Seek guidance that is appropriate for you.
In most cases your friends have the best intentions in the world. Proceed cautiously. They are most likely training incorrectly for their goal(s) too. Most gym goers just copy what the person next to them is doing or follow what the person that they want to look like most is doing (this is called 'Emulation of Winners'). This is not a very wise action plan. That person probably has different parents than you :) so their genetics and body shape are different, they most likely live a different lifestyle and they have been much more consistent with fitness than you. You probably need a fitness plan that is COMPLETELY different than what they are doing
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