If you look in the mirror, where do your eyes go first? Do they dart toward areas of your body that you dont feel good about? Areas that you would love to change?
Or, are you one of the lucky few that smiles when you see your reflection? If you are the latter and love how you look, congratulations. If you are the former, there is still hope. Read on.
Truth is, no one will probably ever be as hard on you as you are on yourself. But that can change. If you want it to.
Self-image takes years to create. It is shaped by what others have said to you or about you, or by how they have treated you. You begin to internalize what you believe others think of you. Pretty soon, you are thinking the same way about yourself, whether it is right or wrong.
Media doesnt help with picture perfect people meant to give you a comparison to strive for. Because there are so many associations coming from multiple sources, self-image is a very complex issue.
But it is possible to change the way you view yourself. It wont happen overnight, but with continued effort it can happen. Here are four steps toward creating a positive personal reflection:
- When you begin to hear your inner voice talk negatively about your body, tell it to stopaloud. Its empowering. If you tell your inner you that you arent going to listen to damaging thoughts, you will begin to break the cycle of negative self-talk.
- Take time to compliment yourself. Everyone has positive attributes. Make a written list. Stand in front of the mirror. Do whatever youre comfortable with, but make sure you take the time to point out what you like about your body. Dont get your self-image from what other people think. What matters is what you think.
- Say thank-you when someone else compliments you. This is a hard one for a lot of people. The typical response from someone who receives a compliment when they have a negative self-image is to downplay it, if not outright deny it. Not only is it belittling to you it is also hard for the person who gave you the compliment. If you are given a genuine compliment, accept it politely and, heres the even harder partbelieve it.
- Forgive yourself when you struggle with this process. It takes time to change. Just as quitting smoking, stopping drinking or changing any other habitual, addictive behavior takes time so does this. Allow yourself slip-ups. Just dont let them become the norm.
All in all, you need to treat yourself as well as you treat your friends. You may not be 100% happy with your body shape, but youre more than just a body. A fat burning overview can help you construct a clear outline of what you demand to focus on to achieve your fat loss target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an advanced or more improve level of their losing weight strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss plans have fooled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by resulting in a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. You are a person. You have exceptional qualities. You add value to many peoples lives. Dont believe it? Your friends and family cant all be wrong.
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