Are you wondering why you can't seem to lose weight? How many weight loss diets have you tried? Have you thought, "I should have waited for a better time to try this diet?"
There is no best time to start a diet. Let me preface what you are about to read by stating you should not believe in going on a diet as a way to lose weight, since going on implies a start and eventual end to the diet life cycle. There is however, a way to discover the best time to start losing weight.
We all have an eating style pattern that are dynamic and can change at any time depending on our life situation. This pattern may include traditional, social, sensory/spiritual/mindful, mindless, fast-not-fresh, over indulger, altruistic, dysfunctional.
As we progress through our stages of life, some of these eating style patterns will contribute to weight gain, if not changed to keep pace with caloric needs associated with each stage of life.
As we transition in life, we need to accommodate each stage of life and re-calibrate our eating style pattern accordingly if we want to manage our weight. This recalibration may require introducing new health promoting habits, behaviors into our lifestyle patterns.
Identifying the best time to start a new habit, behavior, or adding a new spoke in your personal wheel of lifestyle patterns, is the cornerstone for successful change of any kind. How do you know if you are ready to embark on the road to changing your eating lifestyle that will result in weight loss?
Ask yourself the following 3 questions:
- What's the status of my life now? Are you starting a new job or career? Moving to a new home or state? Entwining your life with the care of an elderly parent? Studying for a certification exam? What's this got to do with weight loss? Losing weight takes focus, energy and time. Reducing the number of obstacles, whether they are physical, logistical, environmental or information processing, are noted as an attribute of people who are successful with weight loss. Take a look at your current life status, is it going to help or hinder your weight loss efforts? This is not suggesting, that the "excuses" we make for everyday living be a reason for not starting to move toward a new lifestyle; just be realistic if this is "good timing" for you to be successful with your new habits.
- How motivated am I? Compared to previous attempts how motivated are you to lose weight on a scale of 0-10? How motivated are you to do what it takes to make the weight loss happen, such as; stop drinking as much wine on the weekends; stop drinking sugar-loaded beverages; increase the veggies in your diet; start to increase your physical activity? If you can't score a 7 or greater, you have inadequate motivation which will likely block your progress. Think about the things that contribute to this and consider changing them before undertaking a weight loss program.
- How confident am I? People who want to achieve long-term weight control need to spend time daily trying to change their eating, exercise and thought patterns. A fat reduction review can help you produce a clear outline of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reducing goal if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more advance level of their weight-loss strategy. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by causing a person's body to burn more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. On a scale of 0-10 how confident are you that you can devote the effort, both now and over the next few months to your weight loss goals? How confident are you that you will be able to change your eating habits? How confident are you that you will be able to fit regular physical activity into your daily schedule? How confident are you that you will be able to record everything you eat and drink, and your exercise most days of the week as part of your initial weight control program? Once again, if you give your confidence a rating of less than 7, you may want to wait until you feel more confident in your ability to change your habits.
Speaking with a nutrition coach/consultant can help build your confidence muscle through a dialogue focused on past successes (not necessarily weight loss) that helps you to identify the character traits or strengths that supported your success.
These success traits are transferable to other endeavors such as weight loss. You may also need the accountability that your coach or other supportive person can provide.
With motivation, confidence, support and a willingness to try new ideas and behaviors to move toward a new eating and exercise lifestyle, you will discover the best time to start losing weight and be ready for weight loss to happen for you!
Additional information: Eating Style Patterns definitions
Sources:;; ABCNews.go - Weight Loss Support Forum
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