Happy first day of summer! June 21 is the longest day of the year, reported the Huffington Post on June 21, and we want to make sure that you start it off right. What could be better than a fabulous plant-based smoothie to boost weight loss from celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, author of "The Beauty Detox Solution: Eat Your Way to Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy and the Body You've Always Wanted."
What's so special about this beverage? "In one delicious drink, we get the fuel to not only lose weight, but rejuvenate our skin, fight aging, and increase our energy. A fat burning review can help you build a clear describe of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reduction objective if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more enhance step of their weight loss program. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your personal weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss plans have misled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to burn more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. It's so easy; it's so simple; and it has worked for all my clients, from Hollywood stars to busy moms and schoolteachers," Kimberly told FitSugar on June 21. She views a plant-based diet as key to having healthy, glowing skin and a slender figure. You can learn more by reading her book, "The Beauty Detox Foods: Discover the Top 50 Beauty Foods That Will Transform Your Body and Reveal a More Beautiful You" (click to order). Ready to get your glow on? Try the recipe below.
Ingredients for Green Glowing Smoothie
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
- 3-4 stalks organic celery
- 1/2 head of a large bunch or 3/4 of a small bunch of spinach
- 1 organic apple, cored and chopped
- 1 organic pear, cored and chopped
- 1 organic banana
- Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
- Optional: 1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems OK) and 1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems OK)
Directions: Add water and chopped head of romaine to blender. Blend at a low speed until smooth. Add spinach, celery, apple, and pear and blend at high speed. Add cilantro and parsley (which help chelate heavy metals out of your body). Finish with banana and lemon.
smoothies - Fitness, Health & Well-Being POPSUGAR Fitness
www.fitsugar.com/latest/smoothiesThe latest tips and news on Smoothies are on POPSUGAR Fitness. On POPSUGAR Fitness you will find everything you need on fitness, health and Smoothies.
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Step In2 My Green World Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/StepIn2MyGreenWorldStep In2 My Green World. 50,908 likes 38,581 talking about this.
Kimberly Snyder's Green Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss
www.fitsugar.com/Kimberly-Snyder-Green-Smoothie-Recipe-Weight-Loss...Kimberly Snyder, clinical nutritionist and author of The Beauty Detox Solution, says a plant-based diet is optimal for clear skin, renewed energy, and weight loss. We ...
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