Wearing a skin-tight red dress with a how-low-can-it-go neckline on the "Late Night Show" this week, Serena Williams impressed the usually unflappable David Letterman so much that, as Serena teased him, "I think I saw your eyes almost pop out there." His response: "Well, I think so." The dress showcased the benefits of Serena's stringent diet, which she modified in the spring to support her sister Venus. Get the dish in this article.
Serena's new food plan developed in response to her sister's decision to shift to a raw vegan diet, according to the Washington Times. Venus made the change when she was diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease resulting in joint pain and fatigue. Because the two live together, Serena decided to join Venus on her new plan so that she won't be tempted. A fat loss overview can help you produce a clear describe of what you need to focus on to complete your fat burning objective if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more enhance phase of their weight-loss program. Following are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss courses have fooled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to reduce more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. I dont want her to come home and see a piece of chicken and be like, Oh, I want it, and she cant have it. It would be like a stumbling block for her, Serena explained.
Venus chose the raw vegan diet because foods such as dairy, meat and spicy processed products can make her condition worse, according to Glamour magazine. And she says it's helping. However, Venus admits that she's "not perfect, so I forgive myself when I make mistakes and I do a lot of juicing as well, a lot of wheat grass shots...lots of fresh juices and things like that," she told CBS News. And Venus feels that she has experienced more energy as well. "I've made huge improvements since I was first diagnosed, so that has been huge for me, and it's a journey that I continue on, but definitely changing my diet has made a big difference," she said.
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www.examiner.com/article/serena-williams-shows-off-diet-dedication...Aug 24, 2012 Wearing a skin-tight red dress with a how-low-can-it-go neckline on the "Late Night Show" this week, Serena Williams impressed the usually unflappable ...
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