Dec. 21, 2012 is the date doomsday folk declare as the end of the world. Apparently, its based on the Mayan calendar whose end date is yep, you guessed it 12/21/12. In other words, its fast approaching. People have been preparing with prayer, purchase of End of World kits and getting ready to party, a Mayan Mojito in one hand and well, a Mayan Mojito in the other. But all Harold Camping flashbacks aside, one cant help but think: this end of world thing may be for real.
Seriously, people. The signs have always been surfacing: Fires and quakes, political meanies and cashiers who lick their fingers in order to unstick your dollars in change. But one recent event is a sure sign if ever I saw one - that were well on our way to having one less End of World kit in stock.
Seek & Ye Shall (No Longer) Find
I cast my eyes upward at the lights, oh so bright and heavenly coming forth from The Laptop when suddenly the beast spewed headlines that went like this:
Twinkies maker Hostess plans to go out of business.
And I read. A fat loss review can help you construct a clear describe of what you need to focus on to accomplish your fat reduction purpose if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more enhance step of their losing weight program. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as tips for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss applications have misled people into wondering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by producing a person's body to reduce more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. And I wept.
Then I rejoiced.
Dont get me wrong. Im not doing cartwheels that such an iconic brand may soon be a thing of the past. Its sort of strange to think that soon, we might be clicking the like button because we remember a picture of Wonder Breads colorful circles-on-plastic packaging. It is quite sad to hear of bankruptcy difficulties, striking employees, job loss and all the resulting economic complications. Its sad and serious indeed.
A Victory for the Health Conscious?
But in my own way, I feel like this is a good riddance, a victory, if you will, for those genuinely concerned with eating right, losing weight (or keeping lost weight off). At the very least it removes the temptation. Away with golden spongy goodness, sugary Donettes and Wonder Bread that used to fuel my childhood and much of my adulthood. After losing 70 pounds years ago, Im pleased to see this as a potential healthy dent in the junk food aisle. So for that, I am glad.
Yes, Im aware that the brand may never really go away, likely snatched up by the Next Big Company, repackaged and rebranded as some healthy on-the-go option. Maybe theyll be called, Dinky Twinkies, half the size, half the calories, but with the same deliciousness that leads to expanding waistlines and even more expanding profits weve always enjoyed.
So it goes. At the very least, hopefully the Twinkies Tragedy will make people think from a health standpoint.
Wouldnt we really be better off if we could chip away at the bad stuff and in turn, help fight the obesity epidemic? Away with the sugary excess, bad (really bad) fats and the its made of WHAT? shock. No more Twinkies here, no more powered donuts there. Little by little the lessening of these things would help lessen problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high numbers on the scale.
Yet I can just see the eye rolls now as people have visions of carrots replacing caramels and tofu taking over taffy.
Its not like it would be the end of the world.
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