March is typically the time of year when New Years' Resolutions begin to wane, and people lose their motivation. In January at my gym, I typically see an influx of hardcore new exercisers with a fresh pair of shoes and new outfits to boot. Finding a place to park is always tough and I typically have to fight to get on a machine. However, right about this time of year, these crowds begin to fade and we are back to the regulars (not to mention plenty of machines to choose from!).
Although I am happy to have my parking spot back, I am frustrated for those who start off with such great intentions, and then slowly lose interest when they don't see quick results. As a personal trainer, I desperately want people to stick with it even when the going gets tough. I have read and implemented endless literature regarding weight loss and (although every body and everybody is different) there are timeless rules which need not be forgotten. Thus, I want to provide you, dear reader, with the top seven habits which will enable you to not only stick with your goals, but to also see results! So, dust off those new shoes and lets get back to the basics!
7.) Find a community of support. You need support at home (when temptations creep in), and at the gym (when motivation fades). Sit down with your family, roommates, dog, cat, hamsterwhoever you live withand explain to them your goals and how much it means to you to achieve them. (Your hamster will be very impressed, I'm sure)! Ask them to implement one thing to help you reach them (i.e. - keep goodies out of the house). Then, ask them to join you at the gym, or call another friend with similar goals to meet you there. It's hard to skip out on a workout when someone is there waiting for you.
6.) PLAN! I recall in seventh grade, we were given daily planners with the quote, "Fail to plan, plan to fail" written on the inside cover. I remember rolling my adolescent eyes thinking that was so cheesy and now here I am quoting it! Cheesiness and eye rolls aside, it's true (but dont tell my principal I said so). If you don't have a plan, you will fail. My best advice in this area is to start a blog. Make it something public so you have others keeping you accountable. People love to blog and read blogs (especially about weight loss), so start writing your exercise plan for the week (what you are going to do and when) and make it public. Also, plan your days off (I typically recommend two days of rest). When you know you have a day off coming, it's easier to work out even when you don't feel like it.
5.) Write it down! Every single thing that you put in your mouth needs to be written down. You will be shocked at how much mindless eating you do throughout the day. Keep a journal on your kitchen table, your desk, your blog, or wherever you consistently eat and start tracking!
4.) Drink water! No, I'm not talking about your venti Starbucks. I'm talking about good ol' fashioned water. You know, the stuff that 60-70% of your body is made of! Keep a Nalgene or large water bottle with you at all times and make it a goal to drink your weight in water every day. This keeps you sated, alert, and aids in digestion and detoxification.
3.) Clean out the cupboards! We all have willpower, yet we all have moments of weakness. Plan for those moments of weakness and get the junk you know you shouldn't eat out of the house. This makes it much more difficult to cheat when you have those moments of temptation. A fat reducing overview can help you establish a clear describe of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat loss goal if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more boost level of their weight loss program. Following are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss plans have misled people into wondering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to reduce more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. When those times do come a callin' and you want to go to the store to get (insert temptation food here), make a 60 minute commitment that you will not give in and do something else to get it off your mind. Go for a walk, read a book, go to the gym, etc. Once the 60 minutes is up, you will have forgotten about what it is you actually wanted.
2.) Sleep. Statistically, adults within a healthy weight range allow themselves 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Why is this? When you're tired, you're zapped of both energy and willpower. Ever tried to work out on a terrible night's sleep? It's counterproductive. You already know what time you have to wake up, so get yourself to bed at a reasonable hour. No excuses.
1.) Eat breakfast. You mom is right (don't you hate that?!?). Skipping breakfast is one of the most common themes among overweight people. If you're not hungry for breakfast, then eat an earlier dinner and get your body ready for a healthy breakfast of mainly protein and fat. Protein and fat are the best blood sugar regulators and will keep you full and sated throughout your day, and avoid those blood sugar lows people often fall victim to in the afternoon.
Now that you have the seven habits of highly effective losers, get out your list of New Years Resolutions and remind yourself why you made those goals to begin with. Implement these seven habits and get back on track and back in the gym. My parking spot is waiting for you...
Find more fitness and nutrition information at my fitnes blog!
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THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE PDF fileTHE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Brought to you by FlyHeart Stephen Covey has written a remarkable book about the human condition, so - The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Athletes athletes are often ambitious, but need a little direction. Follow these seven habits to turn your daydreams into daily life.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in ... The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional ...
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