While a shot glass full of a dark green substance may not look appealing, the nutrition packed into just one 2oz. shot glass of the juice is enough for it to be coined a super-food. Read on and find out how beneficial adding this to your diet can be.
Wheat grass can be consumed in fresh juice form, pill form, or as a powder. It is one of the most potently healthy substances around, providing in one serving over 90 minerals, essential enzymes, vitamins A, B, C, and E, 19 amino acids, and is rich in protein. Wheat grass provides more than 2 times the amount of vitamin A as is found in carrots and more vitamin C than in oranges.
Consuming wheat grass can:
- Increase energy levels
- Detoxify and cleanse the body
- Boost your immune system
- Purify liver
- Improve blood sugar problems
- Improve digestion
- Reduce high blood pressure
Wheat grass is a great source for chlorophyll, which our body transforms into hemoglobin, resulting in an increased red blood cell count. By increasing the red blood cell count, the blood is better able to deliver oxygen to our cells. In addition, chlorophyll acts as an antibacterial inside and outside the body.
If you want to try out this super-food but arent ready to start juicing your own wheat grass at home, you can find it at Juicy Rumors, located on the lower level of the West Shore Farmers Market in Lemoyne. Hours of operation are Fridays from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. A fat burning overview can help you construct a clear describe of what you require to focus on to complete your fat reducing target if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more enhance step of their losing weight strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss courses have misled people into wondering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by producing a person's body to reduce more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor.
Wheatgrass Kits.com - Growing & Juicing Info, Kits & Wheat Grass ...
www.wheatgrasskits.comWheatgrass growing supplies, juicers, how to videos, information, articles, forum & blog. Learn how to grow and juice. Most visited wheat grass website online.
Grow Wheatgrass Grow Wheatgrass Nature's Healer
www.growwheatgrass.comOffers equipment, seed, and instructions to grow wheatgrass at home, plus wheatgrass information and articles.
Wheatgrass From The Wheat Grass People
wheatgrass.comOffers wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa and other green foods.
Wheat Grass Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wheat-Grass/157514920959721Wheat Grass. 20,411 likes 228 talking about this. Charles Schnabel is considered "the father of wheatgrass." It was his reasearch that inspired Ann Wigmore and ...
Powdered Wheatgrass Benefits Wheatgrass.org
wheatgrass.org/?p=20If powdered wheatgrass is available, affordable, and convenient and fresh wheatgrass is iffy, choose the powdered wheatgrass every time. Powdered wheatgrass also has ...
Manufacturer and Exporter of Organic Wheat Grass Powder from
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Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice Wheatgrass.org
wheatgrass.org/?p=32Wheatgrass juice benefits have been investigated for decades because of the unique structure and capabilities of wheatgrass juice. Chlorophyll in wheatgrass is ...
How to grow wheatgrass - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL0URJcZF8wWheatgrass offers amazing nutrition. This step by step instructional video shows you how you can grow your own wheatgrass in your own home. Mmmmm yummy
Information on WheatGrass - Pat Reeves - Dietary Therapist
www.foodalive.org/articles/wheatgrass.htmInformation on Wheat Grass . Wheat grass is one of the so-called green foods that are valued by health-conscious individuals as a great ...
Bondi Wheatgrass Juice Company
www.bondiwheatgrass.com.auThe ancient Dead Sea Scrolls also provide an insight into our historical need to respect the humble grasses that have sustained humanity for thousands of years.
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