With time, energy and willpower waning right about now, theres no more critical moment to recommit to those resolutions uttered on January 1st. At this point, if it hasnt stuck yet, its naive to assume that anything will improve over the next 11 months without a revised plan of attack.
What initially seemed doable may have, in fact, proved impractical, but before you admit defeat for 2012, take a moment to reconsider your approach and give these three shortcuts a shot to help you realize those resolutions, once and for all:
1: Aim for 80 percent
We came crashing out of the gates earlier this month saying, This year will be different! And it was. For two weeks. But now the holiday high has worn off, so its important to reevaluate and be realistic about your goals.
First, recognize that adopting an all-or-nothing mentality rarely works. Just as perfection isnt attainable, its difficult to expect to hit the gym every day or eat clean at every meal. Inevitably, youll miss a workout or veer off course diet-wise, then what the heck? one day or one cookie turns into one week or one bag, respectively. Its a slippery slope trying to get back on track after getting tripped-up.
Second, reframe your definition of success, focusing on changing your behavior 80 percent of the time. If your goal is to eat well, its much more palatable to try for five days of healthy meals and two off days, giving yourself a better chance to actually follow through.
2: Use positive reinforcement
When all else fails, dont be above bribing yourself into better habits. Nothings quite as motivating or as satisfying as being rewarded for hard work. And depending on how youre tracking against your goal, you may need to readjust and make the qualifying milestones smaller in order to maintain momentum.
The best rewards are non-essential items; when you dont need something, its a lot easier to want to earn it. Try relating your treat to working out (a race entry for a month or running or a special yoga class for a week of weight lifting), and enjoy benefits that are two-fold: Not only do you gain that extra burst of motivation, but you are also reinforcing good behavior in the process. Finally, start with a small reward; youd be surprised how even a $10-20 indulgence can work wonders.
3: Cut some corners
No one has access to an endless supply of money, motivation or time when it comes to doing what it takes to get healthy, so its important to cut yourself some slack. Instead of making excuses, take stock of your potential blind spots, and dont be afraid to rely on people and programs to help you make good on those resolutions.
For example, if you find yourself skipping too many workouts due to an overloaded schedule, setting an appointment with a trainer is a terrific way to keep yourself on track each week. Or if you fall back on fast food after a long day at work, try a meal delivery program such as Nutrisystem, with its portion-controlled meals in microwave-ready packages.
Most recently, its revamped Success program had Janet Jackson singing its praises: For most of us, counting calories doesnt work. Measuring food doesnt work. And not eating the foods that you love doesnt work, said Jackson. A fat burning overview can help you establish a clear describe of what you require to focus on to accomplish your fat reducing purpose if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more boost phase of their weightloss strategy. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your own weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss programs have fooled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by resulting in a person's body to reduce more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. If you really want to lose weight and learn how to keep it off, you need a plan that's easy, that works for you, and that fits into your life.
Make it easier on yourself by making it foolproof: Easy-to-follow meal plans consisting of a breakfast, protein shake, lunch, dinner and dessert, plus snacks, each day help teach customers exactly what, when and how to eat. Dieticians and weight loss counselors are available for personal advice, plus there are interactive tools for tracking progress and connecting with the online community for insight and inspiration. Once you reach your goal, there are even transition and maintenance plans designed to move beyond losing weight into learning how to maintain a more long-term healthy lifestyle.
Monthly meal plans range from $259.99 to $394.98 and include more than 130 mouthwatering meal options. For more information, visit Nutrisystem.com.
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