Everyone gets the urge to eat Chinese food every now and then, right? How about when you are passing a shopping center and see the Chinese restaurant, and that urge just seems to grab hold of you and steers your car over to the restaurant? You just have to stop and order some Chinese food.
So you stop; you decide you will eat 'healthy,' and you order vegetable spring rolls and Chinese vegetables. Sounds innocent enough? Well...read on and ask yourself if you ever used the same kind of rationale and then had that urge just fizzle out.
Let's start with the spring rolls. These sound innocent enough for those on a restricted diet, and they actually are. Although the fat may be slightly on the high side (they are fried), they are still full of vegetables. One spring roll, in a very thin wrapper, dipped in a thin dipping sauce (not the thick, cornstarch-type sweet and sour sauce) will come to about 100 calories, and less than 100mg of salt, depending on its size. So, nothing much to sabotage your diet here. Just go easy on the dipping sauce.
HOWEVER, if you are talking about the large egg rolls that restaurants serve in the thicker wonton wrapper, you are downing around 400 calories and 53 grams of carbs--nearly a day's worth of carbs for a diabetic who is restricted to 60 grams each day!
On to the Chinese vegetables, which come with white rice. From experience, this diner knows there are on average 3 servings in this dish of broccoli, carrots, water chestnuts, onion, etc., with its sauce (not too thick, but not thin, either), along with 3 servings of the rice. So how many people just eat the dish placed in front of them? Just about everyone does, if you look around the restaurant. With the sweet-and-sour sauce on them, along with the rice, you are looking at upwards of 500 calories for this menu item, including the rice--IF you are only eating one-third of it! Eat the whole thing and you have exceeded a typical daily diet allowance of 1200 calories for a female trying to lose weight. Further, you really can't taste the vegetables because they are smothered in sauce. So the dish looks blah and tastes about the same, too. So much for the urge that has now fizzled out.
OK--so you are not eating the whole thing--good for you. You have satisfied your urge (albeit with more than a day's allowance for salt) and you have some leftovers, which become lunch the next day. The food smothered in sauce now looks pretty bad, and you probably end up tossing the remainder into the garbage. It is not fresh anymore, and your urge has passed. When you think about the nutritional value of what you have ordered in the restaurant--high in calories, fat, and salt--that urge ought to stop in its tracks and do an about-face and exit!
Many people love oriental food and, generally, you can often eat healthy with this type of food--assuming it is not smothered in thick sweet sauces, breaded and deep fried. Many menues now feature a 'healthy' section--but scrutinize it closely. So what can you do without overdoing and giving into the urge? Here are some tips.
- Ask for stir-fried, not fried or deep-fat fried.
- Avoid dishes where the food is breaded (and often coated in cornstarch) and fried.
- Look for menu items that are closer to their original state--such as steamed vegetables or broiled.
- Ask that the sauce not be poured over your food, but put in a small side bowl where you control how much you will eat.
- White rice is often consumed in multiple portion sizes--stick to one cup or less (it is possible!). On the nutritional scale, it is not very good for you; you can read about its nutrition here.
- Do not pour soy sauce on your food--it is extremely high in salt, and will detract from the flavor of what you are eating anyway, not add to it. Just 1 tablespoon of soy sauce contains 1000mg of salt--nearly an entire day's worth.
- Drink a lot of tea! It will fill you up and help dissipate those urges.
Finally, and most important of all: MIND YOUR PORTION SIZES. Except for soup (and even then, you often get enough for two people), this weight watcher has never seen a menu item at a Chinese restaurant that didn't have at least two, and usually three and four servings in it. When you weigh yourself the next day, you will know that you consumed a LOT of salt and a lot of carbs, including sugar. And the feeling may be one of bloatness, not to mention the guilt: Why did I do that?
BOTTOM LINE: The next time you get the urge to eat Chinese food, check out the restaurant's menu online. Decide ahead of time what you will order. If there doesn't appear to be anything in the healthier range, call ahead to see if you can get something stir-fried, or the sauce left off. A fat reduction overview can help you establish a clear outline of what you need to focus on to achieve your fat reduction purpose if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more boost stage of their losing weight strategy. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your own weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss plans have fooled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by resulting in a person's body to reduce more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. If not, find another place to eat. You don't want to blow your diet all by giving into an urge to eat Chinese food for an hour or so. The damage will take several days to undo.
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