Thursday, April 9, 2020

Nearly a quarter of American children and adolescents is developing type 2 diabetes or has already the disease, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), published in the journal Pediatrics. Diabetes and other metabolic conditions seem to spread more rapidly among the young and are harder to treat than in adults.

The study also found that over 50 percent of overweight and obese teenagers had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Prediabetes and diabetes rates rose faster than other lifestyle-related diseases among adolescents. This was unexpected, especially since obesity has been leveling off, said Dr. Ashleigh May, a researcher at the CDC and lead author of the study report.

The term prediabetes refers to higher than normal blood sugar levels and the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes and other risks factors for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease, according to the CDC.

Not too long ago, type 2 diabetes was known as adult onset diabetes because it was virtually unheard of affecting children. But with the growing childhood obesity epidemic in recent years, more youngsters are being diagnosed with the disease every year.

Even normal-weight children are not completely safe. Of those thinner kids, 37 percent have at least one heart risk factor, said Dr. May. Anyone whos eating a diet high in sugar and fat will likely have problems, even if it isnt apparent in their weight, said Dr. Dorothy Becker, chief of endocrinology and diabetes at Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh. If they dont make a change, then theyll carry all of these risk factors into adulthood, and thats like having a ticking time bomb over your head. You dont necessarily know when its going to go off, but its likely that it will, she added.

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Even the distinction between prediabetes and diabetes he considers as meaningless. Prediabetes is not pre anything, he said. It is a deadly disease driving our biggest killers heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia and more. So if your doctor has diagnosed you with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome, dont think that you are only at risk for something in the future, such as diabetes or heart attack. The problem is happening right know.

In response to study reports like these, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that children and adolescents undergo regular check-ups of their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The good news is that these developments are largely reversible and avoidable in the future through dietary changes and lifestyle improvements. The big message here is that children and teenagers need more help with following a healthy diet and staying physically active, said Dr. May.

Obviously parents are the first line of defense when it comes to their childrens health and well-being. But society has a role to play as well nutrition and health education in all public schools being one of them.

In all likelihood this latest CDC study will be dismissed (like most others) in the public discourse as just another doomsday report that can be ignored. In truth, however, an entire generations future is at stake. If we continue on the path we are currently on, we are going to become a nation where being sick is normal and good health is the rare exception. It doesnt have to come to that.

Timi Gustafson R.D. is a clinical dietitian and author of the book The Healthy Diner How to Eat Right and Still Have Fun, which is available on her blog, Food and Health with Timi Gustafson R.D. (, and at You can follow Timi on Twitter and on Facebook.

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