Looks as if Weight Watchers deserves its name: a new study comparing expensive behavioral weight loss groups led by psychologists to Weight Watchers revealed that the commercial diet program won for weight loss and participants' ability to stay on their diets, reported the Los Angeles Times on Oct. 10. Get the skinny here.
To determine what really works when it comes to diets, the researchers contrasted psychologist-led "behavioral weight loss" programs against a 48-week Weight Watchers membership. A fat reducing overview can help you build a clear outline of what you demand to focus on to accomplish your fat reduction target if you're a starter; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more advance stage of their losing weight plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as methods for your personal weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss programs have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by leading to a person's body to reduce more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. The study participants who relied on Weight Watchers lost more weight and stayed on their diets longer. The researchers also evaluated a combination approach, which began with a 12-week course led by a clinical psychology to kick-start their weight loss followed by 36 weeks of Weight Watchers. But even that hybrid couldn't stack up to the commercial plan.
The psychologists who led the study's weight loss groups were specifically trained in behavior management and nutrition. In contrast, Weight Watchers meetings are led by peer counselors who have succeeded on the Weight Watchers plan and are trained to become mentors. Despite the difference in credentials of the groups' leaders, the researchers concluded that for shedding pounds successfully, Weight Watchers won. And celebrities agree: both Jennifer Hudson and, more recently, Jessica Simpson succeeded in losing significant amounts of weight by relying on Weight Watchers.
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