Tuesday, September 4, 2018

New research shows

How long your parents lived does not affect how long you will live. Instead it is how you live your life that determines how old you will get.

It is often assumed that people with parents who lived to be very old are more likely to live to a grand old age themselves.

But thats just not true our study shows that hereditary factors dont play a major role and that lifestyle has the biggest impact.

University of Gothenburg (published in the Journal of Internal Medicine)

Although I have long believed this fact to be true its always nice to have some unbiased research to back it up.

A lot of my own research and study is focused on rejuventation and longevity methods based on proper nutrition, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. However, what Ive come to find out is that much of what weve been conditioned to believe to be true is actually causing us to gain weight and become unhealthy.

Here are some examples:

1. Just because something says its vegetarian doesnt mean its healthy for you.

Pasta, potatoes, white bread, white rice, sugar, soda, etc. A fat reducing overview can help you establish a clear outline of what you require to focus on to complete your fat burning goal if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an advanced or more enhance level of their weight-loss program. Following are seven steps that can serve as methods for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss applications have fooled people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by leading to a person's body to burn more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. are all vegetarian, but that does NOT mean you should be consuming them.

2. The food pyramid is still not healthy.

Although the USDA did change up the food pyramid in 2005 it is still not built correctly

Until the USDA realizes that when most people consume the majority of their calories from high glycemic and inflammatory carbohydrates they become over weight, obesity rates are not going to drop.

A better option would be to base your meals around lean proteins, good fats, plenty of vegetables, and fruit after exercise.

3. Soy is not a superfood.

Did you know that the vast majority of all soy in the US is genetically modified?

And, as tasty as that sounds unless you are eating a fermented version of soy like tempeh, natto, or miso, you are potentially doing your body more harm than good.

Im not against soy, but when someone tells me that their daily nutrition includes drinking soy milk, eating soy based protein bars, consuming soy burgers, drinking soy protein shakes, and having tofu for dinner then I know that theyre in for some health trouble.

Theres no way nature intended you to consume that much soy it would be impossible to eat that much if it wasnt processed and packaged for you.

4. Over-exercising in NOT healthy.

While exercising too much can get you into shape that doesnt necessarily mean you are healthy. Looking healthy on the outside is not the best indicator for internal health (which is what matters the most in the long-term).

This means that going for exhausting workouts or long distance runs are not actually building up your body, but rather breaking it down

Your best bet is to exercise more frequently (short and intense sessions are best) and not condense it into a few massive workout sessions.

5. Anything bottled or packaged is suspect.

The issue with every super-hydrating, energy-boosting drink on the market is that once you take something from nature and begin to toy with it by extracting certain vitamins, minerals, etc., you change its nature and when you change a substances nature you change its proclaimed powerful effect.

The same goes for when you take a food and package it. The very act of processing the food denatures the food itself rendering much of its healthy benefits useless.

To get around both of these issues buy the majority of your foods fresh and make sure your packaged foods are mainly raw foods like almonds and other uncooked items.

Also, you cant go wrong with sticking to regular and mineral water instead of the new fancy drink that just hit the shelves.

I hope these 5 tips get you thinking about the choices you make on a daily basis and how they affect your health.

Remember, what you put into your body shows up on the outside. It manifests itself through your appearance (weight, skin, hair, nails, etc.) and your health (aches, pains, disease, illness, or vibrant health & energy).

The other great thing is that when you stick to consuming healthy foods and beverages you naturally lose weight, regain energy, and experience optimum health Those are 3 things I think everyone would like more of!

Also, if youd like to get started today on taking back your own personal health and reshaping your body for life-long permanent results, just click the link below for details on my Fatlossity Lose5in7 System which was used by MTV and more importantly others just like you all over the world!


Committed to your success,

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData, Diet.com, MAXIM, Gather, EDGE

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