Do you observe a healthy diet, abstain from smoking, watch your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose levels and do you exercise at least for 30 minutes three times a week? If so, your chances of dying from a heart attack are much lower than those of your contemporaries with less health-promoting lifestyles.
Researchers found that taking a few simple, commonsense steps to protect your heart can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease more substantially than previously thought.
For a recently completed study that followed almost 45,000 adult Americans, scientists looked into data collected by the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and linked them with a database of deaths over three time periods, starting in 1988 and ending in 2010. After almost 15 years of follow-up, the survey showed that participants who adhered most closely to the diet and lifestyle recommendations of the American Heart Health Association (AHA) had a 76 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 51 percent lower risk of all-cause deaths than those who complied less. The details of the study were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA 3/23/2012).
Unfortunately, the researchers also found that only a small minority of Americans follows all or most of the AHA guidelines for heart health.
Everyone knows that the heart health of Americans is dismal. Yet, despite of trying hard (really hard), I fail more than 90 percent of the time to get patients to change their heart-healthy behaviors, laments Dr. John Mandrola, a cardiologist. Nine in ten patients return just as fat and sedentary as they were at the time of my previous lecture on heart health.
The problem is not that Americans lack access to information that prevents them from taking better care of their heart health. Getting people to know [the facts] is not the issue, rather the issue is the implementation of the plan, says Dr. Mandrola.
Heart disease is the most common cause of deaths in the U.S. today, ahead of cancer and stroke. One and a half million Americans die every year from the disease or complications connected to it. A fat reducing review can help you produce a clear summarize of what you need to focus on to accomplish your fat burning target if you're a starter; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an advanced or more improve level of their weight-loss plan. Following are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your personal weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss plans have fooled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. While it is true that heart disease can be caused by inherent risk factors such as family history or simply by aging, poor lifestyle choices are to be blamed in most cases. Excess weight, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol abuse and insufficient physical activity are all commonly known culprits. Most heart patients have several of these risk factors to deal with and they tend to gang up and aggravate each others effects.
Heart disease usually shows no specific warning signs. You have to look at the numbers to find out about your hearts health condition. You can and should make a difference in your heart health by understanding and addressing your personal risks, says Dr. Susan B. Shurin, director at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institute of Health (NIH). For any successful treatment of heart disease as well as for prevention it is crucial to regularly monitor cholesterol levels LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides blood pressure and, of course, body weight.
Americans tend to rely too quickly on medications when they encounter heart health problems. In many cases that may be a necessary first step, but the goal should always be to achieve risk reduction by better diet and lifestyle choices. Good Nutrition and lifestyle are the cornerstones of health, says Dr. Leslie Cho, director of the Womens Cardiovascular Center at the Cleveland Clinic. Pills are supplements. Theyre not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.
Timi Gustafson R.D. is a clinical dietitian and author of the book The Healthy Diner How to Eat Right and Still Have Fun, which is available on her blog, Food and Health with Timi Gustafson R.D. (, and at You can follow Timi on Twitter and on Facebook.
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