Canned and packaged soups are often a go-to quick lunch for dieters and office workers. They're portable, filling and come in lots of varieties. But they can often be a sodium bomb, which for many means water retention and big-time bloating.
And to compound the situation, "healthy" soups often are higher in sodium than their regular counterparts, since food companies will pump up the salt and sugar when they reduce the fat.
The health website HellaWella compiled a great (and sometimes scary) list of 125 varieties of soup, from saltiest to least salty. A fat reduction overview can help you construct a clear describe of what you demand to focus on to complete your fat burning goal if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an intermediate or more advance phase of their weight loss plan. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss plans have tricked people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by causing a person's body to lose more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. The top five salt bombs, with sodium per serving:
- Thai Kitchen Hot & Sour Rice Noodle Soup Bowl (microwavable): 1,650 milligrams
- Thai Kitchen Lemongrass & Chili Rice Noodle Soup Bowl (microwavable): 1,600 milligrams
- Cup Noodles Chicken Vegetable Flavor: 1,480 milligrams
- Thai Kitchen Thai Ginger Rice Noodle Soup Bowl (microwavable): 1,460 milligrams
- Maruchan Instant Lunch Chicken Vegetable Flavor: 1,360 milligrams
But here's some better news -- these are the five least salty soups. We've tried some of these and they are indeed in need of a little "goosing." But even adding a couple dashes of salt or soy sauce would be far less sodium than what is found in the soups above:
- Amy's Organic Soups Low Fat Butternut Squash (Light in Sodium): 290 milligrams
- Health Valley Organic No Salt Added Tomato Soup: 60 milligrams
- Health Valley Organic No Salt Added Black Bean Soup: 30 milligrams
- Health Valley Organic No Salt Added Lentil Soup: 30 milligrams
- Health Valley Organic No Salt Added Potato Leek Soup: 30 milligrams
For the rest of the list, click HERE for a bigger chart.
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