Whenever you read an article about a new diet or fitness program, you usually see one of three things: They will tell you that you have to exercise to maximize the benefits of their 'special' diet. But they don't tell you what to do. Or, they might include a couple exercises that they recommend. Or--and this is the worst--they won't even mention exercise.
Without exercise, your weight loss and fitness plan will not be complete, sort of like not saving for retirement and thinking that only your 401(k) or social security will be enough. Well, they arent enough to support you in retirement, and neither will a fitness plan that does not include exercise provide a complete program to keep you healthy. Without exercise, your metabolism will just stay where it is. Without exercise, you are not burning enough calories to burn the fat and build up your muscles, the part of your body that burns the fat. More muscle means burning more fat. It is a circular and repeating cycle, with every part integral to the outcome.
Dont save enough for retirement, and your retirement years will be a constant struggle for survival of your most basic needs. Dont exercise, and your body will not maintain a proper weight or efficiently use its parts to keep you healthy, and old age will become a struggle just to walk ten feet. Simple formula.
What is exercise? Exercise is an activity that requires physical effort. It can be a structured activity, such as an exercise class at a gym, or it can be walking around the block. The two have this in common: you are exerting physical effort. In a study cited in Dr. Arthur Agatstons book, SOUTH BEACH WAKE-UP CALL, only 22 percent of Americans exercise. Are you in that group, or are you in the much larger group, called couch potatoes?
Some people are in denial as to the necessity of exercise, much less its benefits. So lets start with a simple list of five reasons why exercise is necessary for your overall fitness and health:
1. Cardiovascular fitness, in conjunction with a healthy diet, works to improve your brainpower. Without exercise, your brain will atrophy with age, a shrinking known to lead to cognitive dysfunction, which then progresses to dementia, and possibly to Alzheimers.
2. Exercise is necessary for weight loss. Once you get into a routine, magic takes over--you actually dont want to miss an exercise session. Researchers think this is because of the endorphins that are released when you do exercisethose feel-good hormones that are a natural painkiller, too. In addition to endorphins, exercise releases neurochemicals, making exercise addictive. (Yes, exercise can be addictive! This weight watcher can attest to that.)
3. Exercise plays a major role in stimulating a production of antioxidants, making it an anti-inflammatory activity that helps to keep the degenerative process under control. A fat reduction review can help you construct a clear outline of what you need to focus on to carry out your fat loss target if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an intermediate or more advance phase of their weight-loss strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as methods for your personal weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss applications have misled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by producing a person's body to eliminate more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. What that means is that, in conjunction with a nutritious diet (diet used here is whatever you eat), exercise strengthens your bones, maintains your muscles, and in short, slows down aging. For those with arthritis (and that includes this weight watcher) who are exercising regularly, they are well aware of how much more they can control the inflammatory effects of arthritis.
4. Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio exercise) helps to reduce the risks of the major diseases people get once they pass the age of 50: high blood pressure, lung disease, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as many forms of cancer. The data from the long-term Nurses Health Study (1986-2006) showed that post-menopausal women who engaged in the highest amounts of activity were at the lowest risk for breast cancer.
5. There is evidence that exercise can stop common colds before they start. That exercise just needs to take the form of a brisk walk daily, and it will boost your immune system, help you avoid colds or, if you get one, decrease its severity. One important noteyour exercise has to be regular, preferably daily, as it is the cumulative effect of regular exercising that builds up your immunity.
FOR THOSE IN ALBUQUERQUE: Dr. Agatston's books can be found in our library system.
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