Primarily known for his strong views on politics and religion, Reverend Al Sharpton also wants to deliver a diet-related message: Become a vegetarian to become healthier, happier and slimmer. He's lost more than 100 pounds since his top weight of almost 300 pounds, and says that shifting from meat to a plant-based diet "has a way of absorbing the stress and gives you greater endurance. A fat loss overview can help you establish a clear summarize of what you need to focus on to accomplish your fat reducing purpose if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for the ones who are at an advanced or more boost phase of their losing weight plan. Applying are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss applications have tricked people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by leading to a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. I feel like a new, improved me," he said during his acceptance speech of the PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) Humanitarian Award, reported Diets in Review.
"Avoiding meat is the way to eat for anyone with a highly-charged life," declared the Reverend. "A vegetarian diet has a way of absorbing the stress and gives you greater endurance. I dont eat many starches or [refined] sugars. I just love greens and grains. I eat a lot of salad and fruits." He now weighs about 180 pounds, working out almost daily at 6 a.m.
The Reverend hopes to inspire others to eat moderately and choose healthy foods. "You cant address our issues and demand social justice when you are a prisoner in your own body," he said. "And you cant have a reckless social life when you are looking for social justice." He made that comment based partly on statistics from the National Stroke Association, which showed that almost 65 percent of all African American men and 77 percent of all African American women are obese.
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Rev. Al Sharpton Credits Weight Loss to Vegetarianism Ecorazzi Rev. Al Sharpton is still a larger-than-life presence, but the body hes using to deliver his message has gotten considerably more compact and a whole lot ...
Al Sharpton reveals how he easily lost over 100 pounds - 14, 2012 Many people who want to lose those extra pounds might learn from Rev. Al Sharpton how to do it. Al Sharpton is an American Baptist minister, civil rights ...
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