Boston Mayor Thomas M. A fat reduction overview can help you construct a clear outline of what you demand to focus on to complete your fat burning purpose if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more improve stage of their weight-loss strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss programs have fooled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by causing a person's body to eliminate more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Menino fired salvos at the soft drink industry, rising health care costs, and growing obesity rates on Thursday by issuing an executive order banning the sale, advertising, or promotion of sugary drinks on city owned property. Departments across the city will have six months to implement the ban.
In 2004, Boston banned soda and junk food in vending machines in public schools, and Menino said "now is the time to expand our efforts that began in our public schools" in order to help make the "healthier choice the easier choice."
Reaction to the ban has been wide ranging.
- Anti-obesity activists applauded the move as a way to remove a source of calorie laden beverages from the easily tempted public.
- Others called the move a sign of the growing "nanny state" in which government removes the rights of citizens to choose for themselves as to what they consume.
- Many dismissed the concerns of the "nanny state" crowd by pointing out that consumption had not been banned of sugary drinks and that the city had just decided to no longer be a willing partner in helping people make poor health choices.
- Some health advocates state that the ban does not go far enough toward lowering health care costs in that it allows and even promotes the use of "diet" beverages which have been tied to increased risks for stroke and even cancer.
Data from the Boston Public Schools showed that within two years of sugary drink sales being banned on school property that overall consumption of sugary drinks by students had dropped dramatically. Municipalities accross the country now have their eyes on Boston to see if the ban can help stem the tide of obesity and rising health care costs.
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