We as a society in the U.S. are fighting a battle that we are losing. A physical battle that can be won with the proper training and components that are readily available here to all of us in our great country. I am talking about the battle to stay fit and healthy in United States.
Right now the United States has the highest obesity rates in the world and it seems like that trend may not end anytime too soon. Compounding that fact is that some lawmakers want to end federal funding to projects that would build safer bicycle and walking paths. Now I realize there is a need to balance the budget and there has to be some federal cuts to help our country become more solvent but this is not the way to do it. Not when our nations adults and children are facing potential life threatening health issues because of our high rates of obesity. Like I have mentioned we as society in the United States can fight and win this battle to stay to fit because, there are all the necessary components within our reach to do it. Such as healthy food choices, exercise facilities, safe bicycle and walking paths. However we cannot afford to loose any one of these components especially with the U.S. obesity rates on rise in most of the 50 states.
In short, lets not make it harder or more dangerous for someone to consider exercising as a way to improve their health. As it is walkers and bicyclists face more road hazards and dangers everyday because of yearly increases of truck and car traffic. Please join me in the fight to prevent our Congressional Leaders from making ill conceived decisions based on short sighted monetary savings. A fat burning overview can help you construct a clear outline of what you demand to focus on to complete your fat reducing purpose if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more improve step of their weight loss strategy. Applying are seven steps that can serve as guidelines for your special weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss programs have misled people into considering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by causing a person's body to reduce more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. All you have to do is contact your representatives and senators to voice you opinion tell them cutting funding to build safer bicycle and walking paths is a bad idea. For more information on this issue please view the links below.
State of Connecticut - CT.gov Portal
www.ct.gov/dot/lib/dot/documents/dtransportation_safety/safe... DOC fileFEDERAL-AID Safe Routes to School . Infrastructure Program (Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Improvements) Federal Fiscal Years 2010-011. Application and Guidelines
Bike Trails, Walking Trails & Trail Maps TrailLink.com TrailLink
www.traillink.comThe best way to find bike trails, walking trails and other outdoor activities. Find trail maps, photos, reviews, driving directions and hotels on TrailLink.
Reauthorization of federal transportation funding trails and ...
www.americantrails.org/reauth.htmlReauthorizing transportation funding for trails. TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT TRAILS FUNDING. Download the Recreational Trails Program Talking Points as a pdf
FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program - Home Federal
www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/index.cfmThe Bicycle & Pedestrian Program of the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Human Environment promotes bicycle and pedestrian transportation use, safety, and ...
National Center for Safe Routes to School
www.saferoutesinfo.orgBuilding relationships and local infrastructure... The common goal of a safe trip to school brings families, neighbors, school officials & community leaders together.
Grants Bikes Belong
bikesbelong.org/grantsBikes Belong provides grants for bike and bicycling projects throughout the U.S.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Guidance Federal ...
www.fhwa.dot.gov/map21/guidance/guidetap.cfmTransportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Guidance. FINAL: June 10, 2013. This guidance supersedes all previous guidance, including questions and answers,
Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety - FHWA Safety Program
safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bikeLivable communities are a high priority of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Obama Administration. A livable community is one that provides safe and ...
2012 Benchmarking Report - Alliance for Biking & Walking ...
www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/index.php/site/memberservices/...About the 2012 Report: Bicycling and Walking in the U.S.: 2012 Benchmarking Report is an essential resource and tool for government officials, advocates, and those ...
Community Development Department - City of Cambridge,
www.cambridgema.gov/cdd.aspxThe Community Development Department's mission is to enhance the character and diversity of the citys neighborhoods and support sustainable economic growth that ...
Oregon State Police news via FlashAlert.Net
flashalert.net/news.html?id=1002About FlashAlert on Twitter: FlashAlert utilizes the free service Twitter to distribute emergency text messages. While you are welcome to register your cell phone ...
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_PalinSarah Louise Palin (ne Heath ; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska, from 2006 to 2009.
PEDSAFE : recommended guidelines/priorities for sidewalks and
www.walkinginfo.org/pedsafe/moreinfo_sidewalks.cfmIntroduction. According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets ...
DCR Site Help
www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/dcr/dcr-site-help.htmlThe web sites for the Department of Conservation and Recreation have been upgraded to bring new features such as advanced search, mobile viewing, and wider pages.
Streetsblog New York City
www.streetsblog.orgAfter news broke that the east and west drives of Central Park will be car-free for two months this summer, this seemed like a fitting installment from the vault of ...
Publications.USA.gov Main Page
publications.usa.govOrder FREE and low cost federal consumer publications from the Federal Citizen Information Center at GSA from Publications.USA.gov
MassBike (Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition)
massbike.orgWorks with community and legislature to improve conditions for bicyclists in Massachusetts.
Biking and Walking in Idaho - Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
www.itd.idaho.gov/bike_pedIdaho Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update Page! Biking and Walking in Idaho. Idaho is committed to bicycle and pedestrian mobility. These forms of transportation ...
Domain Changes - Wisconsin DNR - Wisconsin Department of
dnr.wi.gov/newurl.htmlThis page describes changes to domain and URL for the Wisconsin DNR website.
Bike Delaware Bicycle Advocacy Coalition In Delaware
www.bikede.orgBicycle Advocacy Coalition In Delaware ... After years of planning, effort and investment, a six-mile long bicycle highway, the Wilmington-New Castle Industrial ...
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com
www.cnn.com/videoVideo Justice Politics U.S WorldIf you get CNN at home, you can watch it online and on the go for no additional charge.
Transportation San Francisco Examiner
www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/transportation/Category?oid=2124654A daily newspaper covering San Francisco, San Mateo County and serving Alameda, Marin and Santa Clara counties.
News CKDR.net
ckdr.net/news/index.phpLocal News Feds Support Preservation Of Anishinaabe Languages. By CKDR News - July 5th, 2013 - 4:22pm. Kenora MP Greg Rickford announced today that $67,099 will ...
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8
www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90h08_e.htm1. Interpretation, general. 1.1. Application of Act to places other than highways. PART I ADMINISTRATION. 2. Powers and duties of Ministry. 3. Registrar of Motor Vehicles
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