Glutathione, our body's own natural antioxidant is not commonly known to most of us compared to the widely discussed antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, and Beta-carotene and Resveratrol (to name a few). But just because glutathione is not commonly discussed, doesn't make it less powerful. In fact, many experts suggest that glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants of all! And I myself just recently learned of a connection between this antioxidant, and the most commonly prescribed and over the counter drug! First, let's start with the basics. What exactly is an antioxidant?
An antioxidant is defined as any chemical compound, which protects the body from the effects of oxidation. This protection occurs through different methods depending upon the antioxidant. In general, antioxidants neutralize and/or eliminate free radicals, which are produced from the metabolic processes that occur during every function in our body. Since every single thing that occurs in our body from breathing, eating, walking, exercising, to thinking and living, uses oxygen, we generate free radicals as a by-product. We can compare this to the rusting or corrosion that occurs when metals are left exposed to air over time. Sound crazy? Well, this is where our powerful antioxidant glutathione comes to our rescue!
Glutathione is one of our body's own antioxidants (known as an endogenous antioxidant) as part of a defense system produced to counter-act, neutralize and eliminate these free radicals, which are produced from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a term used to define the point at which the build-up of reactive oxygen molecules produced, exceeds our body's ability to neutralize the free radicals. This leaves our body open to cellular damage. Our body needs its own antioxidant system, after all, if it didn't we would corrode a lot sooner. When I say corrode, I am referring mainly to the aging process, and chronic diseases, especially the type we are more likely to succumb to as we age. Oxidative stress has been linked to such diseases as arteriosclerosis, cataracts and macular disease, some cancers, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and reduced immune functioning to name a few. In addition, oxidative stress and free radicals are theorized to play a role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Parkinson's.
Why might we need to supplement our own body's production of glutathione?
We are
Getting older. As we age, our production of glutathione decreases in all our cells. Middle aged individuals have significantly less glutathione in their blood than 20 -year olds. Scroll down to my Internal Combustion section, which increases as part of the aging process! As we age, our immune functions decrease as well.
Taking medications. Free radicals are formed as a by -product of detoxifying drugs. Here is where our acetaminophen and glutathione connection comes in; high doses of acetaminophen or long term use depletes glutathione, which is made by our liver. This is the primary reason for this widely used over -the- counter drug's well- talked about liver toxicity, especially when when we take it while still drinking alcohol. Alcohol while not a medication (well to some of us), is also detoxified in the liver, again forming free radicals. Our liver cannot break down and detoxify alcohol or other toxins when glutathione becomes depleted, leading to liver disease and possible toxicity. Acetaminophen comes in the popular brand we know as Tylenol, and other pain medications prescribed with opoids. So, while Tylenol and other generic forms of acetaminophen are safer for our stomachs, there are other risks as well.
Exposed to environmental pollutants. Again, free radicals are produced in our body when we are exposed to air pollution, cigarette smoke, VOC's such as found in house paint, new furniture and synthetic materials, wood burning stoves, and other toxic chemicals (household cleaners as one example) and this includes heavy metals (mercury found in food ring a bell?). Of course, we are also exposed to pesticides in our food, and well, our "environmental exposure" is limitless.
Exposed to Radiation. Here I'm referring to ionizing radiation (x-rays, CT scans), and ultraviolet radiation (the sun especially when we tan).
Producing Internal combustion. Okay, known as endogenous free radicals, these are formed during exercise, production of physical and mental energy, and every single function in our body. This also includes the processes that our bodies perform during periods of stress, especially chronic stress! Free radicals form as a result of respiration (we breathe in oxygen from air), metabolism, and inflammation. As a result, because our antioxidant systems are not perfect, as we age, cell parts are damaged as oxidation accumulates.
Now, before we become hopeless, let's remember that dietary antioxidants found in our healthy "deeply colored foods" are one way to augment our own antioxidant system. This is why it is so important for us to eat the minimum recommended 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables (we'll get into this in another tip!). Fruits, vegetables and sources of protein including whey protein found in protein powders, and lean meats give us the raw materials for our body to make its own antioxidants including glutathione. A fat reduction review can help you establish a clear describe of what you need to focus on to carry out your fat reduction purpose if you're a starter; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an intermediate or more boost stage of their weight loss plan. Promptly after are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss system. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss courses have fooled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by resulting in a person's body to eliminate more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. Consuming foods rich in sulphur-containing amino acids can help boost glutathione levels. Foods such as asparagus (sulfur is the odor some of us smell when we've digested the asparagus!) a leading source of glutathione and foods like broccoli, avocado and spinach are also known to boost glutathione levels.
What else can we do? We can consider a multi-vitamin/mineral, which also contains antioxidants, and we can consider supplementing with oral glutathione. In one study conducted on mice exposed to stress with resulting reduced serum levels of endogenous antioxidants (their own body's antioxidants including glutathione), supplementation was found to reduce the oxidative damage to their brain and cardiovascular system. Sounds good to me!
In another research study, Glutathione supplementation did not have as large an effect on immune cell production in young subjects; however, it did show a greater increased immune cell production in older subjects.They concluded that supplementation enhanced T cell-mediated responses in young and old subjects. I first learned about glutathione during my nutrition and sport nutrition studies, but more recently, thanks to a symposium given by Setria I learned even more about glutathione's role in our health, especially its role in brain health. To read more about Glutathione research and supplements go to
Here's to Antioxidant Power for Our Health!
June M. Lay M.S.
Please seek the advise of your Doctor, for any medical concerns or before begining a supplementation program.
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1. Hasan S, Bilal N et. al.,; Multivitamin-Mineral and Vitamins (E + C) Supplementation Modulate Chronic Unpredictable Stress-Induced Oxidative Damage in Brain and Heart, of Mice. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, A. M. University, Aligarh, 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India. Trace Elem Res. 2010 Jul 16. Retrieved from Pubmed.
2. Wu D, Meydani SN, et. al., In vitro glutathione supplementation enhances interleukin-2 production and mitogenic response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from young and old subjects. Nutritional Immunology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111. J Nutr. 1994 May;124(5):655-63.
3. McGill MR, Yan HM. et. al.,HepaRG cells: a human model to study mechanisms of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity2011 Hepatology Mar;53(3):974-82. doi: 10.1002/hep.24132. Epub 2011 Feb 11. Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
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Glutathione: The Great Protector : Experience Life Catherine Guthrie / April 2011: Live Clean! If biochemistry were the stuff of comic books, antioxidants would be the superheroes with glutathione (gloota ...
Mark Hyman, MD: Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants 10, 2010 In today's blog I want to explain what glutathione is, why it's important, and give you 9 tips that will help you optimize your glutathione levels and ...
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What is the Maximum Amount of Glutathione You Can Take? eHow Diet & Nutrition Nutritional SupplementsGlutathione, also known as gamma-Glutamylcysteineglycine and GHS, is an antioxidant and helps to protect cells from free radicals. A small protein found in the human ...
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