Monday, April 23, 2018

Let me begin by saying, this isnt about whether not drinking itself is a good or bad, just simply about the effects of drinking while on a diet.

First we need to understand that alcohol is a poison, and is terrible for your body. Drinking alcohol wreaks havoc on your body, and for this reason alone any alcohol consumption should be very limited.

The human body is the most advanced, complex, high-performance machine on the planet. How do you think the body responds when we poison it by drinking alcohol? Its self defense mechanisms kick in, and the body works as hard as possible to metabolize and burn out these toxins that have been introduced. Would you pour dirty gasoline and mud into the tank of your Ferrari? No, and you shouldnt allow large amounts of alcohol into your body either.

If your body is working full-time to metabolize the alcohol in you, what do you think happens to the food in your stomach, and fat you carry during this time? Thats right, nothing at all. Your body will use alcohol for energy, so it essentially shuts off your fat burning, and messes up hormones that keep your metabolism running correctly.

So there you have it because alcohol is a poison, the bodys first priority is flushing it out, ignoring fat or food as energy. Besides that, not only is alcohol just empty calories in and of itself, it encourages unnecessary eating. Are you more likely to eat a huge plate of nachos at 11:30pm if you are sober or if you are drunk?

This is the main point: when you drink, not only do you gain the useless, empty, fat-building calories from the alcohol, but you are tempted to eat more, which increases overall caloric intake, and your metabolism comes to a halt for hours.

Dont even get me started on the empty calories, a single mixed drink such as margarita can have upwards of 300 calories, more than an order of french fries from McDonalds. Combine one or two drinks with some bar peanuts and a plate of appetizers, and you could completely undo and even reverse a very hard, clean week of dieting, and end up gaining weight. Sound fun? If I work hard all week and eat clean, I like to shed fat, not pack it on because I wanted to go out drinking.

This doesnt address the positive effects that could possibly come with drinking red wine every night, or recent studies that have discussed the affects of daily drinks on diabetes risk. This is just how alcohol helps to keep you fat.

The final takeaway here? Unless absolutely necessary, cut out the alcohol completely when trying to lose weight. Your body will thank you. Don't care about losing weight? Then by all means, drink up. I love a good drink. Just don't expect to be able to drink and have optimal fat loss.

If you are trying to lose weight, stop drinking for 3-4 weeks and see how much faster the fat drops off - I promise, your results will be better. If you can't give up drinking for a few weeks, even just as an experiment and to give your liver a break, then there are issues at hand beyond the scope of this article. Don't let friends pressure you into drinking to have fun, remember, no alcohol or food will make you feel as good as being thin and healthy. I have nothing against alcohol at all (I enjoy a drink every now and then!), but if you want to lose fat, just don't drink, period. A fat reduction review can help you build a clear summarize of what you require to focus on to complete your fat burning goal if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more improve level of their losing weight program. Following are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same. Many weight loss programs have fooled people into wondering that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by leading to a person's body to reduce more muscle cells and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. It's not worth it, and you'll discourage yourself when you don't lose weight.

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