Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hypothetically, if you weighed the risks vs. benefits of excessive tanning on a scale, the balance would be tipped to one side the dont even think about it side. Studies have proven that UV rays and long-term sun exposure are extremely harmful. So, why are we still burning and basking in spite of these risks?

The following reasons should discourage even the most zealous of sun worshippers: skin burns, eye damage, premature aging and skin cancer. But, despite these warnings, many still flock to the beaches and tanning salons to reap that golden-brown glow.

Know the Dangers with Tanning Beds
The FDA has recently confirmed that tanning devices are much more hazardous than previously thought. Consider how a sunlamp is designed to produce a tan on a living, human body -. ultraviolet radiation, with wavelengths between 200 and 400 nanometers, is emitted into the air to help produce a tan on the skin. But, some of these tanning products incorporate different types of lamps, reflector spots, or discharge levels, making energy output and radiation different at certain wavelengths.

The Melanoma Research Foundation confirms that exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in tanning beds can increase a persons risk of melanoma by 75 percent. The UV rays in these beds damage cells, which causes skin malignancies. Compared to natural sunlight, which can also be detrimental, UV rays in tanning beds give off 3 times the radiation. If you do have questions concerning any recent changes with your skin as a result of tanning or sun exposure, visit The UCSF Melanoma Center, for a consultation: http://www.ucsfhealth.org/clinics/melanoma_center/index.html.

Safe Measures:
Manufacturers of electronic radiation-emitting products sold in the U.S. are required to comply with rules and regulations commanded through the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). To protect yourself, be assertive and ask questions if you are considering a tanning session/s.
a. How is your local salon or tanning facility complying with these regulations?
b. Are these salons compliant in notifying consumers about defects?
c. Are they repurchasing beds, making appropriate repairs, or replacing defective products?
d. How safe and effective are gels and creams these salons sell? Consumers are strongly advised to read the labels of these products sold to enhance skin coloring to determine if they provide protection against harmful UV radiation.

Outdoor Sun: The Risk You Take
There are both immediate dangers and long-term risks of getting too much sun. Sunburned skin under a microscope shows cell and blood vessel damage. With repeated sun damage, the skin starts to look dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery. Even though thicker, the skin has been weakened and, as a result, will bruise more easily. The sun's most serious possibility is that it is a major cause of skin cancer -which is currently the most common of all cancers).

If you MUST tan, the times when UV rays are strongest outdoors is between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The Winning Prize
Like a game show, and not knowing what lies behind each curtain, its tough to know what reactions or complications will pop up later down lifes winding road as a result of excessive tanning. But, if you continue to tempt fate, dodge bullets, and delve in risky tanning practices, then here are some fabulous skin conditions you can win(wink, wink, nudge, nudge):

Irregular coloring or pigmentation of skin
Cells produce a dark brown pigment called melanin to protect itself from the damaging effects of the sun. A fat burning review can help you construct a clear describe of what you need to focus on to carry out your fat loss target if you're a rookie; or serve as a reminder for those who are at an advanced or more boost step of their weightloss strategy. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your personal weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not exactly the same thing. Many weight loss courses have tricked people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss programs only work by resulting in a person's body to lose more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. The extra melanin makes your skin look darker or suntanned. In some cases, the sun causes an uneven increase in melanin production or in the number of melanocytes, which can also cause a permanent stretching (dilation) of small blood vessels, giving your skin a mottled, reddish appearance.

Irregular areas of reddish-brown pigmentation characterize poikiloderma. This condition, which occurs most often in middle-aged and elderly women, is likely caused by chronic sun exposure in combination with sun-sensitive chemicals in cosmetics or perfume. Most often, poikiloderma appears on the neck or cheeks.

Solar Elastosis
UV rays ultimately break down the skin's connective tissue, made up of collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin (the dermis). Without connective tissue to keep our skin taught and strong, the skin weakens and becomes less elastic. Solar Elastosis, is characterized by large creases, deep wrinkles, and loose or sagging skin.

Actinic Keratoses
Also known as solar keratoses, actinic keratoses appear as rough, scaly raised patches that range in color from flesh colored to dark pink or brown. They're commonly found on the face, ears, lower arms and hands of fair-skinned people whose skin has been damaged by the sun. If left untreated, actinic keratoses may progress to a type of skin cancer known as squamous cell carcinoma.

Lentigo Maligna
Lentigo maligna is a melanoma that begins in areas like: face, hands or legs. Lentigo maligna starts as a dark flat spot that slowly darkens and enlarges. See your doctor if you notice a new skin growth, a bothersome change in your skin, a change in the appearance, a sore that doesn't heal, or a new mole.

The Bottom Line Is
Easy remedies and protective habits can go a long way to prevent damaging effects from sun exposure to your skin. Here are some good habits to get into when outdoors:
1. Always use a water-resistant sunscreen, and especially with children. Recent research reveals that children who used sunscreen regularly reduced their cases of skin cancer later in life by 72%.
2. Wear a high enough SPF sunscreen (at least 15). If you have had a skin cancer or pre-cancer, use a sunscreen with an even higher SPF.
3. Wear protective clothing such as: long slacks, sleeves, brimmed hats, and sunglasses.
4. Put on sunscreen 20-30 minutes prior to going outside.
5. If your skin gets sensitive to sunscreens, check with a dermatologist to see if it is in fact the sunscreen and not other products you use, such as soaps and lotions, that might be causing this reaction.
6. Reapply sunscreen every 3 hours if you are outside for longer periods of time.
7. Cover all areas of exposed skin. Dont forget hard to see places, such as: tops of ears, back of neck, lips, and back of hands.
8. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen and smooth it on rather than rubbing it in.
9. Women need to apply sunscreens under their makeup, since perspiration makes sunscreens less effective.
10. Make sure to read labels carefully on all sunscreen products you purchase. Oxybenzone is an ingredient in some sunscreens and has been linked to interfering with hormones in the body. Also, nanoscale zinc and titanium oxides have been said to cause potential reproductive and developmental issues.
11. In skin, Retinyl Palmitate converts readily to retinoids (risk of birth defects in people using retinoid-containing acne medications has since been discovered). Pregnant women should avoid products with this ingredient.

Protective Products and Tanning Alternatives
Here are some of the best sunscreens to purchase, as they are rated excellent for UVB protection and very good for UVA protection:

1. No-Ad with Aloe & Vitamin E SPF 45 http://www.walmart.com/ip/No-Ad-Sunblock-Lotion-SPF-45-16-fl-oz/12548310

2. All Terrain AquaSport SPF 30 http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-sport-sunscreen-continuous-sp...

3. Banana Boat Clear UltraMist Sport Performance Activity Dry Protect SPF 30 http://www.amazon.com/All-Terrain-AquaSport-Sunscreen-SPF/dp/B0016BK2LE/...
4. Coppertone Oil Free Foaming SPF 75+ http://www.amazon.com/Coppertone-Sunscreen-Foaming-Lotion-Fragrance/dp/B...
5. Coppertone Sport High Performance Ultra Sweatproof SPF 30 http://www.amazon.com/Coppertone-Sunscreen-Lotion-Sweat-Proof-8-Ounces/d...
6. eco All-Natural Sunscreen Body SPF 30http://www.amazon.com/Eco-Logical-Natural-Sunscreen-SPF30/dp/B004TTH1NM

Self Tanning Pills
Self tanning pills are not without drawbacks. Sometimes taking these pills in excess can cause blurred vision, yellowing of the eyes, or slight skin damage. The color additives, when ingested, evenly distribute a bronzed color to your skin and do not cause any risks of developing cancer.

Air Brush Spray Tanning
When performed by a professional, this spray does not show streaks and casts an even tone throughout your body when complete. This kind of tan lasts for seven to ten days. If you trust yourself to apply as good as the pros, try this self-tanner: Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning Lotion.

For expert advice, easy tips, and ideas on how to tan properly and safely, visit the website of a local San Francisco tanning expert: http://www.7x7.com/fashion/perfect-glow-job-tips-san-francisco-s-self-ta....

  • Indoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays

    www.fda.gov For Consumers Consumer Updates

    Theres no such thing as a safe tan. Whether from the sun or from sunlamps used in tanning equipment, ultraviolet rays pose a health risk.

  • Indoor Tanning Dangerous, Warns MED Prof BU Today


    The title of a congressional report last month said it all: False and Misleading Health Information Provided to Teens by the Indoor Tanning Industry. With ...

  • Indoor Tanning


    Who Else Wants A Gorgeous Hollywood TanWithout Spending Long, Tiresome Hours Under The Harmful Sun? In Minutes, Each Indoor Tanning Session Can Be Done ...

  • Guide To Indoor Tanning at Your Local Tanning Salon


    Considering going to your local tanning salon? Read our beginner's guide to indoor tanning, tanning beds, and sunless tanning.

  • Indoor Tanning Bad, Docs Say - WebMD - Better information.


    Jan 20, 2006 Jan. 20, 2006 -- Visiting a tanning salon is bad for your health, dermatologists argue. Not so, says a tanning industry trade group. They say the ...

  • Sunbed skin cancer risk is double that of sunbathing: Danger from ...


    Jan 16, 2013 Sunbed skin cancer risk is double that of sunbathing: Danger from tanning machines is much higher than previously thought. Sunbeds in England

  • Tanning - SkinCancer.org


    Tanning Is Not Part of a Healthy Lifestyle. A tan, whether you get it on the beach, in a bed, or through incidental exposure, is bad news, any way you acquire it.

  • Tanning Truth


    Sunshine is free it has no marketing department for its life-giving benefits. If a pharmaceutical company patented and sold sunshine, the public message we ...

  • Tanning Beds Triple Melanoma Risk - WebMD - Better information ...

    www.webmd.com Melanoma/Skin Cancer News

    May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 -- Regular use of tanning beds triples or even quadruples the risk of developing melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, new research ...

  • Tanning

    www.fda.gov Radiation-Emitting Products and Procedures

    Tanning . This site is intended to provide a source of general information on skin tanning, Ultraviolet (UV) exposure, UV emitting products, and skin protection.


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