Have you ever had a question about weight loss surgery, dieting, or just about life as an overweight person but were too embarrassed? In this ongoing column, entitled "Ask a Fat Man", I will take reader questions about any obesity or weight loss related subject they want to ask and give an answer straight from the personal experience of being a one-year banded Lap Band patient and a life long fat man.
Today's question comes from Melanie from Nashville, Tennessee who asks:
"I've considered having lap band surgery for my obesity but I've heard that filling the lap band hurts really bad. Does filling the lap band hurt?"
Thanks for writing Melanie. When I was researching Lap Band before having my procedure I saw many of the same horror stories that you are probably seeing. I saw people who claimed that the Lap Band adjustments, or "fills", were some of the most excruciating pain they've ever experienced and, like it seems to be doing to you, it gave me pause.
Before I answer your question, let me explain fills to any reader who may not be familiar with them. The biggest advantage of the Lap Band surgery over the Gastric Bypass is that it is adjustable. When the band is placed around your stomach, it is connected via tube to a port that is anchored just below your ribcage. In order to adjust the band, the doctor inserts a needle into the access port and injects saline into the tube, which in turn inflates the band like a water balloon, narrowing the opening of your "stoma", or the small pouch in your stomach created by the band.
While I certainly don't want to discount the horror stories you've undoubtedly read, I can only tell you my experience at the Baptist Metabolic Surgery Center in Nashville. I have had three fills in the roughly a year since my banding and the level of pain involved has varied each time but has never been what I would call unbearable.
My first fill went very easily and the pain from it was no more than the amount felt when your doctor draws blood. I had gritted my teeth expecting the torture I'd read about and was very surprised at the small amount of pain felt.
My second fill was a bit more challenging as my access port had flipped upside down and the doctor had to dig his fingers into it and flip it over. That hurt much more than the fill itself, which was again very similar to having blood drawn.
For my most recent fill, my port had flipped over again but flipped back almost effortlessly. This time, however, the pain was a bit more pronounced. It still wasn't unbearable and it was over within seconds but rather than feeling like having blood drawn, this was more akin to having an IV run.
Another thing that some people worry about is pain inside from the band expanding. I have never experienced this. Your stomach will sometimes bruise and swell a little after a fill, which is why you have to go back on liquids for a few days after a fill, but it doesn't hurt. It just feels really tight until it heals.
Melanie, I hope this has answered your question. Lap Band surgery is not for everyone and you are absolutely doing the right thing in doing your homework. A fat reducing review can help you build a clear summarize of what you require to focus on to complete your fat reducing objective if you're a novice; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more boost level of their weightloss plan. Applying are seven steps that can serve as suggestions for your own weight loss plan. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not a similar thing. Many weight loss programs have misled people into thinking that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss plans only work by leading to a person's body to eliminate more muscle tissue and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. It's a lifelong change of lifestyle that should be entered into with your eyes wide open.
If you have a question for a future Ask a Fat Man segment, you can e-mail them to me at mekeemagnus@zenbassmasters.com or leave them here in the comments section and I will pick out the best ones to answer.
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