February is Heart Healthy Month, and today is part 3 of a 4 part series on Heart Healthy Exercise! Fitness Together's cardiovascular programming recommendation is that your weekly cardio efforts will include:
- One short duration, high intensity event (SDHI)
- Two moderate duration, moderate intensity events (MDMD)
- One long duration, low intensity event (LDLI)
Two weeks ago, we started things off with your long duration, low intensity workout. Last week, as it was Valentine's Day, I touched on the hottest heart rate training zone ... Zone 5.
We'll tackle Moderate Intensity, Moderate Duration next week. This week, however, I'd like to slow things way, way down and comment on the coolest of the 5 heart rate training zones, Zone 1, also known as the Fat Burning Zone.
While time spent in the Fat Burning Zone has it's time and place, one of the more common mistakes I see in clubs is the use of the Fat Burning Zone program on cardio equipment. Without knowing anything more, it certainly seems like a reasonable choice in cardioeffort for a lot of folks:
"I want to loose some fat; therefore, I want the Fat Burning Program."
Unfortunately, spending a lot of time in the fat burning zone actually isn't the best way to reduce body fat! Nor is spending a lot of time in this zone the best route to good heart health. While time in this zone does have value in overall good health and fitness, you already spend most of your life in this zone ... when at rest, when sedentary, and when sleeping.
Therefore, when exercising, it is critical that you simply pick it up a bit! You need to get OUT of that fat burning zone!
You see, energy for activities and exercise always comes from a blend of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. In the Fat Burning Zone ... A fat reducing overview can help you produce a clear outline of what you demand to focus on to carry out your fat burning purpose if you're a beginner; or serve as a reminder for these who are at an intermediate or more boost level of their losing weight program. Following are seven steps that can serve as instructions for your special weight loss program. The first thing that one must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Many weight loss plans have misled people into believing that it is the same, but most diets and weight loss applications only work by leading to a person's body to lose more muscle flesh and water than actual body fat, more help please visit The Fat Loss Factor. where you are operating at 60% to 70% of your Max Heart Rate ... energy requirements do indeed allow for energy to come primarily come from fat metabolism. However, for fats to be used as an energy source for exercise (or activities that aren't too rigorous), they must be first converted to a more usable form of energy called glucose. And as oxygen is required to convert the fat to glucose, this level of metabolism is also considered aerobic (with oxygen).
The rub though, is that while the Fat Burning Zone metabolism is in fact slow enough to convert fats to glucose, exercise in this zone doesn't require much total energy, and, therefore doesn't burn all that much fat.
Furthermore, as you increase your exercise effort, the utilization of fat as an energy source quickly tops out: Exercise faster and you won't burn any more fat. Exercise harder and you won't burn any more fat. You do, however, burn more calories as you pick up the pace within the Cardio (3) and Anaerobic (4) zones, but that energy will come from carbohydrate, glucose, and glycogen sources .. not fat!
While the fat utilization tops out beyond the fat burning zone, carbohydrate utilization continues to escalate with increased effort.
And this is why spending time in the fat burning zone isn't a practical way to loose fat: at the end of the day, it's all about calories. Calories Ingested = Calories Spent + Fat Stored.
If you consume more calories than you burn, you add fat. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you loose fat.
If you're curious about learning more about The Fat Zone Myth, just send me an email to request a full copy of my Heart Rate Zone Training to Look and Feel Fantastic
Is the Fat-Burning Zone a Big Myth? Active.com
www.active.com/fitness/Articles/Is-the-Fat-Burning-Zone-a-Big-MythYou've heard it a million times: 'Get into the fat-burning zone'. But what does that really mean? Find out if it's a big myth and learn the best approach to bur
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Tom Venuto - Burn The Fat Inner Circle
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Burning Fat: Myths and Facts - IDEA Health & Fitness Association
www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/burning-fat-myths-and-factsA popular myth is that there is a specific range of heart rates in which you must exercise to burn fat. Even many cardio machines display a fat-burning zone&rdquo ...
Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Blog
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The Myth of the Fat Burning Zone Obesity Panacea
scienceblogs.com/.../2010/06/30/the-myth-of-the-fat-burning-zoWhen many people set out to exercise, they do so with the primary goal of losing fat mass. There is much advice floating around about how to optimize or maximize fat ...
The Fat Burning Zone - Sports Medicine, Sports Performance,
sportsmedicine.about.com/od/.../Does-The-Fat-Burning-Zone-Burn-Fat...Sep 09, 2012 Does the Fat Burning Zone Really Burn Fat Faster? Do you really burn more calories working in the fat burning zone? By Elizabeth Quinn, About.com Guide
The Fat Burning Zone is the Best for Weight Loss - 10 Health
www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/10-health-and-fitness-myths...Youve heard: To burn the most fat, you should do your cardio in the fat-burning zone. The truth: This is fuzzy math, Holland says.
Aerobic Fat burning zone myth and true fat burning exercise -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIupxbukUgYhttp://DrPompa.com Science of weight loss exercise and fat burning. It is not what you think and easy than what you are told. Weight loss is a science of ...
The Myth of the Fat-burning Zone Active.com
www.active.com/triathlon/Articles/The-Myth-of-the-Fat-burning-ZoneThe Myth of the Fat-burning Zone By Rachel Cosgrove, USAT Level 1, CSCS For Active.com
The Myth about Muscle and Metabolism
muscleevo.net/muscle-metabolismOne of the big myths about muscle and metabolism is the idea that for every pound of new muscle, your body will burn an extra 50-100 calories per day.
How to Calculate Your Fat Burning Zone eHow
www.ehow.com Health Diet & Nutrition Weight LossThe highly disputed "fat burning zone" refers to the target heart rate range that is supposed to help a person lose weight faster. During low-intensity but longer ...
Stay in the "Fat-Burning Zone" if You're Trying to Lose Weight -
www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/8-cardio-myths-are-making-you-fat?...Your body does burn fat as fuel during lower-intensity workouts (a.k.a. the "fat-burning zone" of about 65 percent of your max)however that's not necessarily what ...
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Ben Greenfield: How to Find (and Use) Your Fat-Burning Zone
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Fat Burning Furnace Fast Weight Loss Tips, How To Lose Fat
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The Fat Burning Zone is the Best for Weight Loss - 10 Health
www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/10-health-and-fitness-myths...Youve heard: To burn the most fat, you should do your cardio in the fat-burning zone. The truth: This is fuzzy math, Holland says.
Bodybuilding.com - The Top 5 Fat Loss Myths - Don't Believe ...
www.bodybuilding.com/fun/cb15.htmThe problem with myths is that not only are they wrong and give false hope, but they also waste your time. Top myths below include: cardio, fat burning, cold water ...
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Fat Burning Heart Rate LIVESTRONG.COM
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Workout Tips: Fat Burning Zone Vs. Cardio Training Zone -
voices.yahoo.com/workout-tips-fat-burning-zone-vs-cardio-training...Aug 07, 2007 I'm a certified personal trainer and have some very intriguing information about the REAL difference between the fat burning zone, and the cardio training ...
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